CH8 - The Upside Down [PT2]

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> SUNDAY.   DECEMBER  11th <

Jonathan and I drove to the Wheeler's house to pick Will up from his campaign. I also brought my present for Nancy with me. It was a picture with Barbara, her, and I in a heart frame. It was wrapped up in a box. I told Jonathan about it and he said he would wait in the car for me to give it to her. We got out and knocked on the door and Mrs. Wheeler greeted us at the door and let us in. I decided to wait at the door while Jonathan went and got Will from the basement. I saw them walk through the hallway and waved at Will. "You have fun?" I questioned Will.

"Yeah. It was lots of fun! You need to join us one day and play with us." He told me.

"Maybe one day." I told him playfully and messed his hair. Before I could make my way to Nancy's room, she stopped us.

"Hey, Y/n, Jonathan, wait up." She told us. She was holding two presents in her hand, while I was holding one. She handed Jonathan a present, and looked over to me. I handed her her present while she handed me mine. "Merry Christmas." She told both of us.

"Thanks, um.. I.. I.. didn't get you anything. I.. I feel bad." Jonathan apologized.

"No, it's, uh, it's not really a present." She told him. "It's, um.. Well, you'll see." She said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas." Is all he said to her.

"Thanks Nancy." I told her before we walked to the car. We got in and sat down.

"All right. Buckle up." Jonathan told Will.

"Can I open it?" Will asked Jonathan.

"Yeah, sure." Jonathan said as Will began ripping off the paper.

"Whoa." I said surprised.

"Pretty cool." Will told him.

"Yeah. Yeah, pretty cool." Jonathan said to us as he began to drive off. We arrived back at the house, and I put my present under the tree. Will was looking through the presents trying to figure out what's in them, while Jonathan took pictures of us. Everything was back to the way it used to be. Jonathan walked over to Mom to take some pictures of her.

"C'mon Will. Time to eat." I said to him as we walked over to the dinner table.

"It's definitely an Atari." Will said to us as he sat down.

"An a-what-i?" Mom asked him.

"The green present. It's an Atari." He told her. "I felt Dustin's today, it's the same exact weight."

"Really? Well.. we'll have to see, won't we?" She asked him as Will stood up from the table. "Hey, no more snooping." She told him.

"No, I forgot to wash my hands. I'll be right back." Will said to her.

"He's washing his hands?" She asked us quietly. As we began to put food on our plates. Finally, back to normal. Will walked back in and sat down.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked him as I looked up from my plate.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He told her. Jonathan complimented the food and started talking about Will's 'dnd' game.

(542 Words)


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