My British Love: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Shane-it-up

This is continued part of chapter one.

I get back from the y and run to the soccer field section. I always found it adorable when he used the term football.

I see that the water boy had just handed out the cold, refreshing waters.

Shane was at the very right of the bleachers. His uniform was soaked with sweat.

I walk over to him, I wasn't to dry either. Erin and I had done a variety of exercises today. We had swam laps, danced to Zumba, ran two to three miles of track, and px90.

Px90 was the last thing we did. I was already wore out, but Erin insisted. Px90 was this crazy insane workout program that most people can't do. Apparently I was one of those people..

I walk up to Shane and kiss his cheek. I hand him my beach towel to wipe off the dirt from himself. It was a rough practice I could tell.

"How was practice babe?" I hug across him.

"Good, but intense. How was the workout day love?" He smiles at my exhaustion

"Rough but I made it." I smile and sit down.

Shane hands me a sip of water. I finally remember my Brownie.

"Hey you kidnapper, where's my bear?!" I push him and laugh.

I watch as Shane stretches down into his bag and grabs it.

"I took your advise. I got one of my own. " he pulls out.

It's a bear as well, on a smaller scale. It's got a soccer ball in it hand and british flag t-shirt on. I laughed and held the tiny bear.

I rustle with his sweaty hair and we go home. I think Erin completely forgot about me.

We start talking about his home. He had began to live with his Uncle after that angry conversation with Erin (Which he heard by accident) he was so pissed he asked his uncle. He openly said yes.

"So are you moved in completely?" I ask as we walk off. I cling to his waist.

"I have a few boxes left, yeah. But other than that i'm packed. My room is actually quite large. It's upstairs too. Maybe you can help me 'Shane-it-up'?"

I smile and we go take a taxi to his uncles.

The ride was about 5 dollars. He was right, his house was huge. We walk into the house and his uncle greets us. I fumble up the stairs and Shane can't stop laughing at it.

There was a hall once you got up there. His room was the first to the right. It was basically empty except for a bed, a plain sheet and pillows on it, a few boxes, a book shelf with few books, a closet with his clothes in it, and a plain curtain.

"It does need to be Shaned-up!" I yell. "Come on! I'm taking you for a shopping spree, you need this room to have your personality!"

We head out to the mall, we greet his uncle and tell him where were going. He hands us his credit card and gives us a $500 dollar limit.

The first thing we buy is a bed sheet. I made sure it was colorful. It had a lots of greens and blues. I buy orange, green, blue, and black pillows. Some were decoration. I grab some black and teal paint. After that, we get some knick-knacks for his book shelf. I grab lots tape. He gets the little items for the shelf. I grab a disposable camera and make sure it can be able to print the pictures. We get some big canvasses and we leave.

We come home with arm-fulls of bags. The decorating begins.

We take out all of the stuff to paint the room.

I put on one of Shane's shirts, and change into an old pair of pants I had in my bag.

He puts on a tight under amour shirt and old skinny Jeans.

I stare at him begin to open the paint. I grab our brushes and I whisper into his ear.

We grab the brushes and dip them into the paint. We run our fingers across them and splatter paint across it.

Shane decided to get funny and he put Paint across my face. I get him back, I but orange in his hair.

By the end of painting, we have more on our bodies, than on the wall. In fact, were covered in paint. We decide to wash up.

We go outside where his pool awaits. In the back of the yard. There was a shower, big enough for just the two of us.

We strip down to nothing. I finally noticed. He was amazingly fit. I could see his v line. You see the definition in his abs. I felt like shit. I was alright, but god, he made me look like a piece of lard.

Before we even get into the shower he's on me. I feel his hands run down my body. My butterflies were taking over. I felt like I was going to explode.

I giggle and run in the shower shutting the door in his face.

"Hey! Come on babe! Not fair!" He seems to have a laugh.

"Come get me!" I yell laughing.

Shane opens the door and jumps in. the warm water splashes against his painted body.

He pushes me up against the wall, getting on me. I smile and kiss him.

I run my hands down to his firm toned ass. I squeeze and you can he in his face he liked it.

He feels me up, kissing my breasts up to my face.

I stare at his face. He was biting his lip as if to say "come at me babe, I'm waiting". The temptations took over and I found myself, having a very steamy shower.

We clean each other off and the paint goes down the drain.

I feel the intensity of the tiny space. My breathing is increased. We begin to get more and more nasty until we begin our very first time having sex as a couple. I just hope Erin doesn't find out..

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