Rockstar Cinderella; A Slight Twist

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He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. Jake strutted me to the dance floor in his studded boots and ripped jeans.

"come on babe, just let loose." He smiled and kissed me softly with his chest against mine.

I smiled brightly and my dress swayed as Jake was dancing with my heart.

He puts up a finger to tell me to hold on and he walks off the the DJ. A slight grin comes on his face when I hear what was playing. My face was priceless.

Sleeping with Sirens- If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn. It was one of my favorite songs by them. It wasn't exactly a slow dance song, but we danced that way anyway..

Jake and I were chest to chest, hand to hand, and nose to nose.

His blue eyes turned into one big one, I smile brightly and rub my nose in a circle around his.

Jake kisses my lips with his soft and lush ones. They push on mine softly, he bites mine. I tease him with my tongue.

His feet stumble over mine, I look up at him sweetly. I giggle slightly.

"I'm sorry Annabeth, I'm not much of a dancer.." He rubs the back of his neck and blushes on his upper cheeks.

I laugh and kiss up his cheek. "It's okay, you don't have to me, I'm not to swift either."

I see Jake's beautiful smile and he tries to impress me.

He spins me into a circle playfully and then dips me, I run my leg up his.

Jake rushes me back up and kisses up my neck.

Then, it hits me. Everyone was watching us. Only a few other people and couples were dancing. I blush red and run off. My black flat slips off, I run faster.

Jake comes running after me. I turn back and see his black hair bounce up and down, he running faster than I've ever seen him run.

Jake finally catches up with me.

"Babe, what's wrong..?" He pulls me in under his spell.

"I-I get nervous in front of people.." He reaches for my hand I pull back. Jake grabs my hand anyway.

"Why?" He looks me dead in the eyes, those god damn sweet eyes.

"Jakey, stop it. You know they get me every time." I look at the ground smiling with my eyelashes fluttering like crazy.

"What?!" He smiled brightly and kisses from my cheek to my mouth.

"Come on, let's go back.." He squeezes my hand lightly.

I shake my head saying no, he crosses his arms and pouts.

I can't help but smile.

He walks me back and kicks at my feet playfully.

"Jake!" I shriek giggling

"what now?!" He giggles "If anything you're doing things!"

"What am I doing?!" I smile sweetly

"You're being too cute!" He stops me and runs his hands up my arms.

"No I'm not!" I smile and kiss him.

Jake laughs and picks me up and runs me there. I laugh until my stomach hurts.

He sets me down when we get there. My red dress gently falls over his strong arms.

Finally I remember something.

"Oh gosh! Where's my shoe?!"

Jake smiles and slides it onto my foot.

"annabeth, will you try dancing again...?" He smiles and grabs my hands rocking them back and forth.

"Only if there's a fast song."

Jake nods and pulls me back on the dance floor once again..

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