Chapter 2) Campus Rumors

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[ Thursday, October 20th, 2016 ]


       Every morning, alarm clocks over ceiling-bound speakers go off in the students' dorm rooms, automatically ringing at exactly 6:00 in the morning, just as they always have for millennia. Having to hear this awful sound every morning for six years felt like it was going to leave some students with PTSD! Though that's always them exaggerating. Zima groaned in annoyance at having to leave the comfort of her bed, while her roommate gladly got up with a pep in her step.

       Sunny Destiny Daze was certainly a fitting name for the bright and happy golden-haired vampire. She stretched her arms, yawned, and was already out of bed by the time the alarm stopped ringing. She typically dressed in brighter, more beige colors than the other darker options most other students preferred, which complimented her darker skin tone. Her golden eyes matched her curly, medium-length hair.

       Her appearance was quite the contrast to Zima's, for Zima had straight, jet-black hair that tended to frizzle. Her skin was pale, and she was rather thin and lanky as she struggled to keep on weight. Her bright red eyes sometimes seemingly glow in the darkness, similar to a cat with a light shined in its eyes. She was the perfect image for how a human might view the typical vampire in their minds. She had all the right features, especially a taste for blood, despite her multiple efforts to quit, though she was only even trying for Kairan. She preferred to get her blood straight from the source, though... from the lakes, of course! What else?

       Zima slowly lifted her body from her bed, and sat up with her back to the wall as she slumped against it. She looked over to Sunny, who was fixing her hair while her morning coffee brewed. Such a strange vampire, she was. Having a grand fondness towards bright lights, she yearned to see the sun, seasoned all her food with garlic, and thought that the taste of blood was too bitter, yet drank coffee just fine, even to the point where she brought her own coffee maker! Though she did need absurd amounts of creamer to go alongside it.

       "Good morning, Zima!" She said happily, but as irritating as she might have been to most vamps, you just couldn't hate her cheerfulness. Vampires have a sixth sense, and while she may be annoying at times, she truly has good intentions. You just can't fault her for that.

       "Yeah. Morning." Zima said, uncaring, voice hoarse from just waking up. She ran a hand through her hair, so straight it hardly tangled. She picked up her phone that was sitting on the built-in wall shelves. As for Sunny, she grabbed the clothes that she laid out on her desk the night before, and went to take a shower.

       After staring at her phone screen, Zima sighed and decided to just skip the Batchat scrolling to get ready. She threw on a random assortment of comfortable clothes, consisting of a thin red sweater, a black blazer, leggins and loafers. After changing she stuffed her night clothes lazily into her dresser, and quickly went to the bathroom. She swung her large, heavy bag over her shoulder, and left to meet Kairan at their usual breakfast spot, surprisingly making it out of the room before Sunny.

       Upon entering the hallway, she could already tell that something was up. Once the door shut behind her with a click, she was left with a strange sense of unease. She was left standing in the void, empty hallway, the air felt different. But why, though? She thought, confused at the sensation she felt. The lights were as dim as always, the floors all the same, faded old carpets that they were for centuries. The walls have the same brown paneling at the bottom, with its gothic wallpapers along the top.

       She slowly took her hand off of the door handle as she began to move cautiously down the hall. Something was up, her sixth sense certainly felt it. The question she asked is what? What anxiety going around was so powerful she felt unease the second she stepped out of her room? That's definitely no good sign. It was strangely quiet, being one of the few noticeable oddities. She ran into only a few other people as she took the elevator, and they said not even a word, their faces holding the same anxious emotions as she. It wasn't just her.

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