Chapter 15) A Family Get Together

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       It was Christmas day of 2016, a holiday claimed by Heaven’s angels to celebrate themselves and all their precious light. A day where they fluff up their wings and recive gifts of honor, because of course, they're so good hearted and holy, it's only what they deserve for keeping the universe in balance. Where they make it seem as if they are the only things allowing for the new year to come. As if the universe would crumble and shatter without them and their holy light. Though who could ever know for certain? One would have to remove all their magic to put that theory to the test.

       This holiday of angels in Heaven, celebrated by gifts and presents, is portrayed and celebrated quite a bit differently in the Realm of Shadows. Floating heads decorate their long hairs, goblins share the gifts of gold, and goavins pay respects to their Goddess Queen, Sidero. Though one thing all cultures across the Moonlit lands have in common is the giving of thanks. For these creatures have taken a celebration used against them and made it their own, the day of thanks for being a Shadow creature, bringing ghoulish blessing into the new year, another one of thousands under their duel moons.

       As general tradition goes, families get together to cherish one another, and to be reminded that they always have something to be thankful for, despite many grim reminders of their eternal imprisonment. Whether it's by blood, by love, or just a group of friends, everyone celebrates with those that are closest to them. Perhaps all of the above, sharing the thanks with all those around you. Afterall, the more the merrier, and this is Merry Thankmas!

       Francis and Ovzu were always the Thankmas hosts of the Dragonlands, and despite this being a time of year where most are stressed, for this pair in particular it was the only time when they weren’t! During the Day of Dragons and the Night of Shadows, festivities are at their most stressful. There’s a pressure to honor Drago and the Devlrhs family, give public announcements, and organize celebrations. But for Thankmas, this was a personal holiday. They didn’t need to lend a hand in some festival, or make some profound remark. All they had to do was cook lots of food with their good friend Amber, and wait for the family to arrive.

       An expected knock came on the Dragonlands main castle doors. Francis, Ovzu, and Amber had just finished preparing things. Francis set the last piece of silverware, Amber hung the last decoration, and Ovzu set out the last bit of food. Francis rushed over to the giant doors, opening them.

       “Ayo!” Dusty greeted, “Franny, been a long time no see, oh man, let me tell you, I hate the snow, man."

       "Perfect timing, Dusty, it’s good to see you again.” Francis said, welcoming them inside, “You too, Sandy."

       "Ay!" Sandy responded, putting up peace signs. The couple went and walked through the old throne room, through the corridors, where the party was being held.

       "Hello, Dusty! Hello Sandy!" Ovzu greeted as they entered the laege room. The couple sat on the couch, and proceeded to rant to him and Amber about the snow. Ovzu snuck away to greet people with Francis, leaving Amber to sit and listen.

       It wasn’t much longer before more of the family showed up, Francis and Ovzu happily greeted them, offering hugs and warm welcomes. The four Queens were practically daughters to them, as they were sent their way as babies. They and the whole community played parts in raising them, and they eventually became the helping claws the realm has desperately needed all the way since Drago first brought a horde of dragons to the Shadow Realm.

       The Rocklands and the Skylands were the first to show after the earthly couple, arriving at the same time. As cousins hugged cousins, they felt a sense of calmness for once. They rarely got to see each other, especially their opposites, so this was a pleasant occasion, especially in times so divided. It just meant that much more.

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