Chapter 23) A Bat's Past

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[ Saturday April 22nd, 2017 ]


       Over the past few weeks, Raven and Luna have been spending their time together raving over media, literature, and music that they share a mutual love for. They have even been introduced to titles they now adore, but would have otherwise been unaware of. They’ve even gotten Jacquie to participate in their discussions, and we all know the poor girl needs some entertainment and joy in her life.

       Today, though, Raven and Luna were on the search for historical books that neither the Dloven Vnkriv, nor Vamparial, nor the Shadowlands had. Books that had either been banned, censored, or misleading. Books that could only exist in the Dragonlands. The pair of Princesses knocked on the old back castle doors. Francis opened them, looking tired, sickly, and surprised.

       "Raven and Luna?" He questioned, "Back again? What do you need this time?"

       "We were wondering if you had any books on Shadow history? I mean, we have plenty, but they're rather... you know, biased."

       "Oh, of course! We have plenty. You can come pick out the ones you'd like to have a look at.” He said, welcoming them inside, “We have a large collection of books here, as they were something Drago liked to hoard. You haven't seen a library until you've seen ours."

       "Oh, please don't be exaggerating!" Raven said, "I'm so excited."

       Luna sniffed the air, “Oh, man, something smells good!”

       “We’re about to have dinner. You’re welcome to stay if you like, we tend to have leftovers, anyways, so there’s plenty of food to go around.”

       “A chance to eat dinner away from the family? That sounds amazing!” Raven said, “Uh, if it’s no trouble, that is.”

       “I wouldn’t have invited you to stay if it was.”

       “Yah, it would be nice to not eat raw animal carcasses for a change… unless that’s what you guys eat, too, I dunno.” Luna said.

       “No, no. I’m cooking a traditional dish from the Woodlands.” Ovzu said. “It’s kinda like a salad, but hot, with bugs, and stirred with a stick… but don't worry! Bugs ae good protein… uh, you’re cool with that, right?”

        “I’m pretty daring.” Raven said.

       “I eat dead animals on the regular, that’s baby food to me.” Luna said.

       “Well then,” Francis said, putting his hands together, “Shall we go to the library?”

       “You can go get the books, I’ll stay here with Ovzu.” Luna said, sitting at the table.

       "Alright, we'll be back before you're finished." Francis said.

       "Don't disappear on me like Drago did." Ovzu joked, but there was a hint of worry in the voice. "Deja vu."

       Francis and Raven walked throughout the old castle walls to the library, which was underground.

       “You know, the last time Luna and I visited, you and Ovzu told us all about Drago, but not about yourselves.” Raven said, “What about you? What was your life like?”

        "What? You really wanna know about me?" Francis asked, surprised.

       "Of course I do! You’re the founder of the Kulivohz, why wouldn’t I? What did you used to do before you were this stressed out pseudo-king?"

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