Chapter 4) Meet The Members

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       "Oh, this is fantastic!" Alvira exclaimed. "We haven't had any new members in ages! Well, minus Jane, but her parents have been a part of this for a long time now, so I don't count her." She looked between the three of them, then out at the darkened sky, "Well. I think it's best to take you two home now. As for you, Ashlyn, you stay here with Lou and the Allensworths. You guys watch her, make sure she’s safe, make sure you’re safe. I’ll be back later tonight to talk more about what happened with the murders."

       "Aye, can do." Lou said, "We'll talk about werewolf stuff! Take care an' be safe!"

       Alvira left the Allensworths' house with Zima and Kairan. She led them back out of the hedges, the night now cold. They all proceeded to turn into bats, and quickly flew to the Melbrews' portal. Instead of having to use a flower this time, all she had to do to activate the portal was hold her hand up to it. It sparked to life, and they all went through. Usually it’s easier to get to Earth than the other way around, I suppose this is the one exception.

       On the other side, they came out in Vamparial City as usual, the touristy Northern part of the city near the castle. They went back through the portal, which led them to a portal island, with multiple portals to different parts of Vamparial. Alvira led them through one that led to a city called Forstown in the Western Woods. This caused Zima and Kairan to get confused. Why were they going to Forstown and not Bloodwine City?

       "Wait, where are you taking us?" Kairan asked, "I thought we were going back to the academy."

       "Because you're both in luck! I was leaving early from a Halloween party we were having. After seeing the events of yesterday we decided to have it early, usually we throw it on Halloween itself. Hopefully it's still going on, so I can introduce you all to the new members! That is if you'd like to. I can take you back to the school if that's what you'd rather do."

       "Halloween party, you say?" Zima said, "Will there be snacks?"

       "Of course!"

       "Then sign me up!"

       Alvira led the two through Forstown, a charming city in the middle of the woods, surrounded by forests and lakes. It was no Melbrew, though, as this city stretched on for over a thousand square miles, with loads of different housing and attractions all throughout its cozy land.

       After some walking they went into the woods and ended up at an inactivated forest portal. Forest portals tended to stay vacant, old, and unused. But that's good, because those who know how to use them can get them to open and connect to any portal they want. Alvira once again took out the magic flower and used it to spark the portal to life.

       On the other side of the portal lay the iconic Tenebris Forest. This forest in the Shadowlands lay right outside of Shadowville, across Shadowville bridge, the castle stands in front of it, on a mountain in the far distance. The forest was notorious for always being devoid of leaves due to the mischievous creatures that inhabit them.

       They're called Minima Tenebris, tiny, one-foot tall, black-furred creatures with giant, colorful eyes, long arms, and small legs. Sometimes they're referred to as the Goblins’ evil cousins. They love all things shiny, and if anyone enters with anything of value they will certainly be ambushed by the tiny devils. Some unfortunate people lose their clothes or get tied to trees.

       There are loads of signs outside the forest at the end of the bridge that warn people not to go inside while wearing jewelry. Alvira took off her golden glasses as they walked through the woods, she learnt her lesson the hard way when her first pair was stolen, and her nose was broken.

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