Chapter 7) The Lovebarks

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       Overseas across the waters, down to the southwest of New Vamparial, lay another continental island of about the same size. The Wolven Empire, also known as the Vmtorhs version of Sah Dloven Vnkrik, or simply, The DV, was a relatively new addition to the Realm of Shadows, right after the Dragonlands. Home to the werewolves, it was once a place where vampires would dump their trash and waste.

       The royal family was the Lovebarks, their castle stood as one with the giant mountains of Northern DV, being carved into them. They and all their castle workers lived inside the mountains and in the caverns down below. The inside is still very reminiscent of stone and the underground caves, but the outside grew wild over the many years. The mountains were covered in moss and vines, even getting the glowing uoldvis growing on top of its surface.

       Windows were carved into the sides of the mountains, and unlike the uoldvis, you could actually see their warm glow from the distance. All those beautiful specks of gold which shined through the grass in the everlasting night. However, the royal castle was much more than just the mountains themselves, it was also built on top of them, an extension made of stone bricks, that went high into the sky, above the clouds.

       The mountains themselves were called the Muna Mountains, and seeing them now as a grand castle made it quite hard to believe these lands were once used as a waste dump. The two tallest mountains stood right next to each other, with a waterfall falling down between them into Munapool Lake, sitting at the mountains’ base. A bridge went over the higher waters, connecting the two parts of the castle together. It overlooked the lake, and parts of the woodland city that sat on the other side of it, past the royal bridge, a bridge shaped like a Y, starting at one point, separating at the waterfall to two separate entrances.

       The Lovebark royal family mostly preferred to eat with no silverware, only their paws and mouths. They wore no shoes, and frequently hunted their own meat of wild animals that roamed the woods, mostly deer and sometimes even moose. They lived like every other werewolf in the land. 17-year-old Princess Luna was no exception, especially considering peers had no problem bullying her for having the most generic wolf name ever.

       She sat in her room with her walls made of coarse, rough stone, in the reminiscent style of a cave, just as most the castle was. Her window was a large uneven circular hole in the wall, but it did have glass. There were bumps and curves in the walls, as she had tapestries hanging around, dividing the different parts of her large room, or more so rooms, acting as doors.

       Her floors were covered with various rugs, ranging from well made and a bit dirty to barely even a rug anymore. There were multiple pieces of clothes all around her room, but most were lazily thrown on top of her dresser in a massive, piled stack. She only used her closet for regal royal clothes, where they were all dusty and didn't fit her anymore, because she never would wear them. She was old enough now to make that decision herself. Now she pretty much only wears hoodies and band t-shirts. If it wasn’t black, she didn’t want it.

       Random assortments of junk were scattered all over the place, on shelves, on the floors, on furniture. Various CDs and music vinyls were stacked on the bumps of her walls, being the only well kept and organized part of her room. Not to mention the absurd amount of music and gaming posters that almost made her stony walls invisible. There were so many of them, It was like they were wallpaper.

       Alongside all the clothes and junk, there were multiple piles and stacks of books. You could find them and some shirts sitting under her bed, or tangled in her sheets. Some people might have called her room a mess, but she preferred the term organized chaos. If a single book in the middle of her floors suddenly moved, she probably wouldn’t be able to find it again.

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