Chapter 16) Common Ground

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       The City of Munavie was littered with snow and ice. Due to being south of the Vamparials, it was just a wee bit warmer than their northern neighbors. This results in cold rains that create lots of ice, which blend in unfavourable ways when snow falls. The good news is ice skating and hockey are winter favorites! The bad news is everything is slippery and frozen shut. It’s a good thing that the werewolves come packed with thick fur coats to keep them warm and cozy!

       The giant trees of Munavie and their barren branches were covered in the frosted ice, dripping icicles hanging down like they were weeping willows. Now being fully in mid winter, on January 12th, the weather was the harshest it would be all year. Ghostly winds whistled through the grove, murmuring in the cold as snowflakes fell with their breeze, carried quickly through the sky.

       Here in these woods, three friends were walking through the cold streets.

       "That's a stupid fucking idea." Luna said to Grouchy, tone a bit more mean than she had intended. She held her temper together as irritation built.

      "I think it's a great idea." Grumpy said, agreeing with Grouchy.

       "No, meeting up with Lucy and Smokey sounds like a fucking disaster."

       "Oh, come on, Luna, It's been a long time! Lucy wants to meet up again." Grouchy said.

       "No. Not after I fucked things up the last time."

       Grumpy rolled his eyes, "It was NOT that bad, fucking relax."

       "It's only been like, a fucking year."

       "It's been two years, almost."

       "Oh, whatever! Still no!"

       "Well, me and Grouchy are gonna meet up with them soon, with or without you, man."

       "I don't give a shit what you guys do with Lucy and Smokey. Besides, I have my own plans tonight."

       "Oouu, like a date?"

       "Pfft! I wish!"

       "HA! Like Luna would ever find a bitch to date!" Grouchy said.

       "Rude, dude! RUDE!" Luna said.

       "Am I wrong though?"

       "Ugh, whatever. You guys are the worst, I'm leaving. Later, fleabags!" She said, taking off into the woods, between the trees. She let out an irritated sigh and rolled her eyes.

       She made her way through a small section of forest before she was back on another street. Pausing for a moment, she took out her phone and put on a winter-themed Lanhz Lu LXNX playlist. There it is, there's the ambience she loved.

       The steetlamps glowed brightly in the darkness, through the fog that lay around, blending with cold breaths. The beat of the music could be heard in her bones, loud and distracting to block out any thoughts at all. Things can’t bother you if you don’t dwell on them, so she never did. The drums, violin, keyboard, and guitar meshed together for a harmony only LLL could ever master, at least in Luna’s ears. She found herself going down the streets in what was a mix between a run and a dance.

       The sounds dug deep into her brain, and through the desolate white and black of the sky, she felt like she were part of a movie. That adrenaline always pumped through her veins in times like these, these times where all she can do is run. Run with the music, run from the thoughts, run until you just stop caring. Out of breath with the cold coating her throat, she was forced to stop, collapsing back into the snow. She could only gaze up to the sky, watching the snowflakes fall down towards her, seemingly materializing out of the void.

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