Chapter 10) A Royal Debate

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[ Tuesday November 1st, 2016 ]


       This year's autumnal season was a quiet and somber time in the Realm of Shadows. No grand celebrations were held the day before, for the first in a very long while. There were no decorations, no parties, and no Royal Masquerade Ball, which caused Jacqueline’s heart to ache. Her father may have been cruel, but her mother was nearly a victim, too. She loved the Morbid Masquerade, and was hurt to see it go alongside her mother. Not only did it show she was no longer around, but there were no people who'd even want to come, anyway. No one she could force to like her father had done so previously.

       These old castle walls felt so empty, so forlorn. The castle staff catered to her and her alone as she made good-intentioned bad mistake after good-intentioned bad mistake. She had no idea what to do, none at all. How to fix this, how to make things right, and what was bad and what was good. Her brother was made before her, he would know what to do, but not her, I'm afraid.

       In attempts to make things right, Queen Jacqueline had requested a formal meeting with all the other Royals on November 2nd. She sent invites to their messengers and said to meet her in her castle to formally discuss this situation with each other, civilly. She didn't fully expect people to show, but was very glad and surprised when they did… though also quite a bit nervous.

       In the Shadow Family's throne room, a large, square table was placed. To the right of the table sat the Lovebark family, the Lunestones, and the two Elected Queens of the floating heads, Raine and Raya. To the left were the Crawfords, the Koshkins, and Francesca, with her husband, Ingmar. At the end of the table was a free spot that waited to be filled by six more people.

       Queen Jacqueline, sitting on her throne, tilted her head, "Where are Ovzu and Francis?" She asked her messenger.

       "I have sent them a message, your majesty. Perhaps they have decided to not show?"

       "No, no, that would not be like them. I would have assumed that they would have been the first two at this meeting."

        "You invited Ovzu and Francis to this meeting?" Queen Vorona scoffed, her loud voice echoing throughout the large, empty throne room. "I wouldn't expect anything besides bad decisions from Draven's daughter!"

       The young Queen Jacqueline stayed calm and composed, "They are coming on behalf of the Dragonlands with the four Queens. That way there are not too many people here. It would be a hassle to invite all of the Lavalands, Icelands, Rocklands, and Skylands. So instead of inviting all of them, I told just the six of them to come. They could discuss things with the others before and after the meeting."

        "Pfft! I wouldn't invite them simply based on those last names!" Prince Branley said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Did they really need to be named after words corresponding to their element? The lands they live on?!"

       "Says the man whose entire family is named after alternative names for crows." Princess Lupa said, with her fake English accent she used to sound more regal. "And since I'm not a hypocrite like you, I'll admit that we're guilty of it, too! My name literally means wolf, and there's nothing wrong with it, you— oh, what does your name mean again?"

        "Hm. You know, Vorona," Queen Francesca said, a thick half-French half-Romanian accent to her voice, "I think it would be good if my brother decided to show. It would make for a... conversation." She said, but with a sinister undertone to her voice.

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