Chapter 8) Regal or Feral

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[ Saturday October 29th, 2016 ]


       It was a rather cloudy evening, this day, which filled the darkened sky with grey. Quiet, rumbling thunder sounded out in the atmosphere as it prepared to rain down its sorrows in later hours. People all around were spending their time with families as they performed various Halloween activities as the day approached… or so it’s called nowadays, thanks to humans. You can also hear it be called by its more traditional name, being: The Night of Shadows. Trick-or-treating is popular among human-born goavins, they’re the only ones who do that sort of thing, but it’s slowly been catching on, or, at least it was.

       While people slowly began to get behind the idea of having fun dressing up as one another and all kinds of other creatures, this year it was put on halt; even for the human-borns. A time so suddenly self-centered not even those previously human wanted to partake in their traditions of masquerading as other species and beings. Instead, people stayed safely inside with their families, and celebrated being seen as scary with pride— and cookies.

       Raven woke up that cloudy Saturday's morning at 11:00am, red moonlight peering into her bedroom through the stained glass windows, causing her to awaken. She groaned and pulled the covers over herself, not wanting to get out of her warm bed into the cold waking world. Out of curiosity she took a peek at her clock on the other side of the room, nearly falling out of her bed upon realizing how late it was.

       “Eleven in the morning?!” She exclaimed to herself as she shot up in bed, “I missed breakfast and they didn’t even wake me up! Unbelievable!"

       She got out of bed, her bare feet colliding with the cold floors, cursing her to wince in discomfort. She walked over to her windows and pulled the silk curtains over them to block the light, a very similar look and fabric to the pajamas she wore. The large room was nearly coated in complete darkness, with the only light coming from behind the fancy silks.

       She mumbles curses at her past self for forgetting to open the vents before falling asleep. During later hours of the night she likes to bundle and get cozy, so she closes off her vents for it to grow cold. Though she typically forgets to open them back up, causing an unpleasant morning experience. She opened her vents and let the warm air flow in, crouching down beside it for a few seconds to embrace the warmth.

       Satisfied, she sat back down in her bed, turning on a bedside lamp as she took out her laptop. Her wallpaper was a photo of her and Catrina at a landmark in Vamparial City, decked out in royal attire with guards behind the scenes. She sighed. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a normal life.

       Raven felt a surge of anger, confusion, and intrigue sweep throughout her all at once as she opened up her direct messages on the Shadow Realm’s largest social media platform, Shadow Social. A site that previously had its users confined only to others in their region, now opening to the entire realm with the recent removal of the force fields. In her inbox, only fellow verified people were allowed to message her, and there the red notification sat, followed by a wall of text:

One (1) New message from Verified user PrinzezzLunaLove

Hey princess crow or whatever the fuck your family’s name is. Our realms seem to be plunging into a fight, no? Well, I think it's a shame we've never met before, don't you think? Do you think you're all high and mighty just because you're the oldest species here? Because I'll have you know my pa is 7 foot 3 and ripped, and he could take out your whole ass family, so you better tell them to watch where they step. Though my sister isn't much better than you. I welcome you to kill her, she probably deserves it. No, she definitely deserves it, please kill her. For legal reasons, that was a joke. But my bro and ma are forces to be reckoned with, too. My brother could literally eat your fucking castle, yes, your castle! And your shoes, and the dirt, and poison, he’s invincible, really. He could probably eat his way out of a jail cell, and chains, and anything. For your own safety, princess, I'd advise not crossing our turf. That's a threat. Come at me bruh.

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