5-Close ~ Steddie

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Arcade - Afternoon

Henderson, Max, & Lucas went home after a few hours of being there. 

Robin was having fun playing games with Eleven & Mike. They were an adorable trio together. Steve thought to himself. Eddie was still there as well just hanging around Steve.

Steve was more comfortable around him now. Steve just thought I was probably flustered around him cause he seems intimidating. But, he isn't mean and scary like most people think. He is a sweetheart with a heart of his own.

"Hey, Harrington. Do you want to come over to my house? You know to hang out more." Eddie offered with a nervous sounding in his voice. Of course, Steve didn't want to be ignorant and he did want to hang out with Eddie more.

But, when he asked that Steve got flustered again and nervously agreed. "Uh, yeah. Sure."

Why is he nervous again? He's only like this around me...am I too pushy?  Steve Harrington couldn't possibly have a 'crush' on me? He isn't gay. He is straighest person there is. Ugh, get that thought out of your head. It's never going to happen. Eddie thought to himself while staring at Steve with a grin and just said while patting Steve on the back, "Cool, Harrington."

And Steve was smiling with red flushing up his face and he put his hand around his neck in a nervous matter. After a minute or so they went back to playing games together. 

It was really fun. After a couple of hours, they all left and Steve hugged Robin and thanked her again for the fun day while he dropped her off at her house. 

Then, Eddie and him went to Eddie's trailer. Steve didn't tell anyone though. He wasn't embarrassed cause they were just friends . Steve kept denying the truth. He also just preferred on people not to know his business. 

"Hey, Harrington wanna watch Friday the 13th?" Eddie offered with a huge genuine smile. "Yeah, sure." After a minute or so they were both sitting next to each other. 

Steve tried not to move cause he was too nervous. 

Eddie jumped a little bit at the scary parts and Steve found it adorable. Steve wasn't scared though. Steve realized he wasn't scared of anything when he is with Eddie. If you went into Steves' mind all it's filled with are moments of Eddie and a little bit of Robin of course.

Steve probably did have a crush on Eddie. Steve tried to shrug it off but, the thought always creeps back into his mind. 

When another scary part came up. Eddie jumped again but, this time holding onto Steves's arm. 

Steve got flustered but, also felt safe.

Oh, my god. I'm holding onto him..should I leave? Is this awkward? Eddie panicked to himself. 

They were really close.

Both of their faces were blushing to the point their faces were hot. 

Then, Eddie got up and said nervously. "Uh, sorry." "It's okay, I didn't mind," Steve confirmed with a panic rise in his voice.

He doesn't mind. Eddie thought with his heart racing. 

His crush on Steve developed more and more.

They both went back to watching the movie while looking the other way.

Steve's hand was over his face so he could hide that he is blushing around him.

Eddie was just trying to look at something that wasn't Steve.

I think I have a crush on Eddie Munson. That's right, I said it. Well, he said it in his mind of course.

Hidden Feelings ~ STEDDIEWhere stories live. Discover now