Chapter Twenty-Two - A Princess & A Terrible Accident

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Today was Leila's appointment. She was going to know what gender her baby was. To say she was excited would be an understatement.

But as excited as she was, I was more. Call me crazy, but for some reason, I was so excited to meet that baby and I had a feeling that it was going to be a girl.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as I held her hand tightly.

"Yes, but I am glad that you came. I don't know what would I do without you," she replied.

"I would never let you do this alone," I said, kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you, Rio."

"You know, I really love when you call me that."

"I know." She giggled. "So, are you sure she's a girl?" she then asked.

"Yes. I spoke with the gods and they confirmed it."

"Oh, really? And what if it turned out to be a boy?" she asked.

"Then I'll give you a girl," I replied, making her cheeks turn dark red as usual.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said in amusement.

"Leila Romano!" A nurse called out.

Leila and I followed the nurse to the doctor's room.

When we entered, the doctor had everything ready and all Leila had to do was lie on the bed.

She placed my bag on the nearby chair and hopped onto the bed. She lied back and the doctor started examining her.

"How are you feeling today, Leila?" He asked politely.

"I am very well, thank you," she replied.

He then put the device on her stomach and started going right and left, up and down with it. According to the doctor, she was in her 18th week and the doctor said it is possible to know the gender.

"mhmm..." The doctor hummed, which made Leila and I look at each other with wide eyes.

"Is there a problem?" I asked worriedly.

"No, there isn't, I was trying to know the baby's gender." He chuckled.

"Did you?" Leila asked excitedly.

The doctor nodded vigorously.

My heart was pounding and I was sure Leila's too.

"Congratulations Ms. Romano, you have a girl." When the words flew out of the doctor's mouth, Leila squealed.

I proudly looked at Leila, knowing that I was right with my guess.

"You were right!" she said as she motioned for me to get closer and hug her.

I did.

"Congratulations, love," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

We left the doctor's room and made our way back to the rest. From afar, I could see my mother and father standing nervously and pacing as if their life depended on this baby.

They wanted to come with us to the hospital, of course, with a couple of bodyguards.

My mother didn't want to wait at home because she was too excited and too nervous.

We reached the rest of them and when they saw us, they had a questioning look on their face as if saying, 'what is it?'

"I have a girl" Leila giggled happily.

My mother hugged Leila and congratulated Leila. My father had a smile on his face and for the first time, got closer and hugged Leila as if she was his daughter.

"You're going to have a princess!" My mother squealed, making Leila nod excitedly. They hugged again until my father was bored enough to tell them that we needed to go.

Things looked too good to be true...and I was right.

* * *

It was on our way back home. Two cars full of bodyguards followed us, making sure we were safe. Each one of us had a gun, including Leila and my mother.

But things took a turn when my father's phone started ringing.


My father looked at me in the passenger's seat with a frown. He put the call on speaker and said, "It's on speaker, what do you want?"

"Leila," Giovanni started.

Leila's face turned pale when she heard his voice. "You are smart enough not to put anyone in danger, aren't you?"

"What do you want?" she asked firmly.

"A car will stop yours in 2 minutes, if you don't come willingly, Dalilah will die."

"You're bluffing!" my father yelled.

"Am I?" Giovanni said.

Leila looked at me and shook her head, telling me that Giovanni wasn't bluffing.

"You're playing with fire, Giovanni," my father said.

"You played first when you took Leila from me!"

"I didn't take her! She came willingly because you aren't a human being!"

"I said what I had to say. The car will be in front of you in a few seconds. If Leila doesn't get inside, you precious little girl will die."

With that, he hung up.

As if on cue, a car screeched and stopped in front of us. Two men stepped out, while the driver stayed in the car.

The two men stood beside their car, waiting for Leila to come.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, too scared to hear the answer.

"How can we be sure that if he took Leila, Dalilah would be safe?" my father asked.

"He wouldn't harm her, he's not that stupid," Leila said.

"How can you be sure? You married a monster thinking that he was good," my father said, making it worst.

"Lorenzo!" my mother scolded him. She had tears running down her face, too scared that she might lose her daughter.

"I will go, there's nothing that we could do," Leila said.

"No!" I was quick to answer.

"Your sister will die if I didn't! I know him. He will do it," she yelled.

"Do it, Leila," my father said, looking straight at Leila. "I promise I will get you back."

Leila believed my father, but I was too scared. The only thing that I could think about was what would Giovanni do with Leila. Every scenario attacked my mind, making me feel worst and worst.

"I am sorry, Leila," my mother cried, hugging Leila.

"I am the one who should be sorry," Leila said.

She opened the door and stepped out. I quickly followed her and grabbed her arm.

"I will get you back, Leila. I promise," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

She didn't say anything. She just kissed me on my lips as if she was saying goodbye forever.

But I would never let that happen.

When Leila got into the car and drove off, we received a call from Dalilah telling us that she was safe and that she had to talk to us about something important.

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