Chapter Twenty Four - Saving Leila pt. 1

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I was a mess.

It had been two days since she was gone and I could wait longer to rescue her.

It was just a matter of time before we fly to Italy and get her back, and at that time, I will make sure to put a bullet inside Giovanni's fucking head.

The only thing I was praying for was that Giovanni wouldn't touch her.

I was so scared, scared to even just think about him touching her without consent, which I am sure she won't give.

I was going insane from overthinking and I couldn't even sleep. All I wanted was to have her beside me.

A knock on the door cut my thoughts off.

My father walked into my room hesitantly. He said beside me on the bed and looked intently at me.

"We need to talk," he said.

"About what?"

"About you and Leila," he said.

"Do you think it is the right time to talk about us?"

"I know it's not but we have to talk about you."

"What is it?"

"Remember when Laila told us that her parents are not her biological parents?"


"I think I know who her biological parents are."

"Who?" I asked.

"Callie and Mateo."

"There's no way Callie and Mateo are her parents. It is impossible."

"It isn't. She looks a lot like Callie and her eyes are the same as Mateo's."

"You are right. But how can you be so sure? We need to do a DNA test."

"We do."

"But what does this have to do with us?" I asked.

"One word, Angelica. She is their adopted daughter and she likes you."

"Don't remind me of her. I want to kill her! plus I don't care if she likes me, I won't ever break up with Leila just because Angelica likes me."

"It's not about Angelica liking you, Rio, don't you get it? It will be hard for Callie and Mateo. Angelica will make problems and then, they will have to choose between the two," my father explained.

"Why are you acting as if Leila is truly their daughter? We still don't know anything," I replied with a frown.

"I know, but I have a strong feeling she is." With that, he left.

He left me with my thoughts about Leila and how complicated everything was going to be. But I would never listen. I wanted to be with Leila and I would never leave her just so it wouldn't be complicated for Callie and Mateo.

It was so weird that in such a short time, I felt attached to Leila. I felt the need to protect her and keep her beside me forever. I wanted to be with her, touch her, feel her, and make her feel like the most important thing in the world.

I wanted to have kids with her as fast as it sounded.

She made me feel things no one had ever made me feel. It was like love at first sight, but I was too blind by hating her ex that I didn't focus solely on her.

Thinking of Giovanni made me angry again. I wanted to fly to Italy right then and get her back, even if I had to go alone.

I stormed out of my room and went to my father's office. He was talking on the phone when I barged in, startling him. He hung up and looked at me with alarming eyes.

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