Chapter Thirty-Eight - Mia

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I was really honored to be one of Dalila's bridesmaids. I thought she wouldn't include me in that, but surprisingly she did. I knew she was not a bad person and she just made bad choices without knowing, but I was glad she knew then that she was wrong and admitted it.

Every time I thought about Angelica, I felt sick. So sick.

When I killed Giovanni, no one knew what happened to Angelica. Mateo tried looking for her, but it was like she vanished. Mateo even sent men to Italy to look for her, but I guess that she didn't want to be found.

"I now pronounce you, a Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." And just like that, Dalila and Adam got married. It was a really beautiful sight to see. I mean...they looked cute together.

Suddenly, I didn't feel well. My eyes got widened and I clutched my belly tightly. I turned around and looked at Rio, who was already looking at me, and he instantly understood. I fell onto the ground grabbing anyone's attention. I felt a lot of pain and all I wanted was to scream, and so I did.

"AHHH!" I screamed, breathing in and out. I was trying to control myself. You should wait till you go to the hospital Leila, I thought.

Everyone gathered around me and Demetrio held onto my hand.

"It's gonna be over soon baby, just control yourself till we get there." He kissed the top of my head. I nodded.

He picked me up with all he had and took me to his car. Everyone followed including Dalila and Adam. I was so ashamed and felt guilty that Mia had to come out at their wedding. I didn't mean to ruin their wedding, but I couldn't help it.

"I can't hold it anymore." I breathed hard.

"A few more minutes baby, just wait a few more minutes. We are almost there." He quickly said.

I breathed in and breathed out. That's all I did in that car.

Like he said, after a few minutes we arrived. The nurses immediately came and laid me on that portable thing and rushed me inside. Again, Demetrio never left my side.

They rushed me into a room and a doctor was waiting for me. They then laid me on a bed.

"I can't hold it any longer!" I yelled angrily while breathing hard.

* * *


I saw her laying on the bed sleeping peacefully after giving birth to Mia. I glanced beside Leila and saw Mia sleeping soundly on a small bed with a few blankets wrapped around her. I couldn't see her features that well, but I did think she looked like her mother...thank god.

"Honey, you need to rest. You have been standing for hours now," my mother said.

"I can't. I have to be here when she wakes up," I replied, still looking at them from the glass window.

"The doctor said she might wake up after hours. You need to rest," my father then said.

"I am not leaving. You guys leave and I'll stay here." I finalized.

I knew they care about me but how could they even ask me to rest when Leila just got out of a very hard delivery and slept after pouring her heart out. I just couldn't go rest without seeing them. I had to be there when they woke up. I had to be there for my future wife and daughter.


The doctor allowed me to sit inside the room and wait for them to wake up. All I did was glance between the two girls and admire them. They looked so soft, beautiful, and pure. I wanted more than anything to just hug them right then.

Suddenly, Mia started to cry. She cried a lot when she came out and has been sleeping for like 10 minutes. The nurse entered the room and picked Mia up. I walked toward her and asked her if she could hand her to me.

Let me be clear, I couldn't hold babies because I got scared of dropping them, but I couldn't resist and I didn't want anyone to hold her besides me and her mother.

Slowly, the nurse handed, Mia, to me, into my arms, and I tensed. I never tensed that much before and I started to sweat.

I looked closely at this angel in my arms and relaxed immediately. She looked so pure and angelic. She stopped crying and went back to her sleep.

I told the nurse that I will let her stay in my arms and sit on the couch. She was hesitant but agreed.

I sat on the couch that was situated in front of the bed, with Mia in my arms and Leila in front of my eyes.

I was feeling many things. Many things that I never felt and thought will never feel. I felt vulnerable. So vulnerable and my father's instincts arose every time I look at Mia.

She felt like a doll. Weightless and cute. I wondered what would she look like when she grew up? Would she look like her mother? Oh god if she did, then I had to hit many guys.

I knew that eventually Mia will have a boyfriend, but not before 16.

Wait...why am I thinking of this right now?

It's not like I was her parent, but I wanted to be. I knew Leila made it clear that she wants me to be Mia's father and I would, but I felt Leila should take all the decisions regarding Mia and I would always be there for her and support her with anything.

Out of nowhere, I heard some moans coming from the bed. Painful moans. I stood up, being careful not to drop Mia, and made my way to Leila. She opened her eyes and looked at me, then at Mia, then a smile appeared on her face.

"You saw her before me." She chuckled but quickly regretted it because she felt pain.

"You did it, baby." I cooed. "I am so proud of you."

"I love you." She replied with a warm smile.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked curiously. She nodded excitedly.

I handed Mia to her slowly and the look on Leila's face was priceless. Her eyes sparkled as if she saw a jewel that reflected her eyes.

"I can't believe that Mia is in my arms." She breathed. I sat on the side of the bed, putting my arm around Leila's shoulder.

"I can't believe it either," I whispered. Leila laid her head on my shoulder and said, "Do you remember what I told you before?" She hesitantly asked.

"Yes...Yes, I do." My heart was pounding so hard.

"Good because I wasn't lying when I said that." She smiled and kissed my lips.

"I will try so hard to be the best father in the world," I replied and kissed her back.

~~~ ~~~

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