Chapter Twenty Five - Saving Leila pt. 2

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TW: Some topics might be disturbing. Please be advised.


It had been three days.

I was sitting on the bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as usual.

Last night's events did not leave my mind. His touch, his voice, everything, was disgusting. I vomited twice yesterday when we finished.

He had forced me to do things with him and if I didn't, he threatened to kill my baby. Mia, that's the name that I wanted my baby girl to have.

Then more than ever, I didn't want anything to happen to my baby. For the first time, I wasn't scared and I wanted her so badly. I was scared of being a mother, but Giovanni reminded me that I would never treat my child the way he treated me.

He was ready to kill his child for some sick game. What kind of man did I fall in love with?

I kept crying as I rocked back and forth. My thoughts were full of Demetrio because thinking about him was the only thing that made me feel strong. He was the only person who could take my mind off what Giovanni did to me yesterday.

I just hoped that Rio was coming soon because I didn't know how much I could bear. Giovanni was disgusting. I'd rather sleep with a stranger than sleep with that bastard.

I wiped my tears and hopped into the shower. No matter how many times I washed my body, it was still there. His awful touch was still there.

I scrubbed my body like a man or woman as if I had been in the mud for days.

Only good thoughts, Leila...

I kept reminding myself.

When I thought I had enough, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I had taken my clothes with me to the bathroom because I didn't want Giovanni to make any surprises.

I wore my clothes, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and black leggings, and walked out.

I lay on the bed and wrapped myself with the cover tightly. I was so scared, so scared of suddenly Giovanni barging in and demanding me to have sex with him.

But the opposite happened.

The door flew open and Alberto stormed inside, looking around like crazy.

"Alberto!" I yelled, running to him and hugging him.

"Leila, we don't have time, you need to come with me," he said, grabbing my arm.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Before he could answer, we heard a gunshot echoing through the hall. I flinched back and covered my ears, but only until I saw Rio standing in front of my room with blood splattered on his face.

Not his blood though.

* * *


After we gathered all the guns and armor, we followed some of Alfonso's men to the cars. There were two SUV black cars parked just outside of the warehouse.

Alfonso insisted that we took at least two of his men with us because he wanted to help, so my father, Danny, and I took one car, Carlos, Stephen, and the rest took the other. We didn't want to go with many cars, just so we wouldn't grab any attention.

Alfonso contacted Alberto when we told him about what he did for Leila. He told us that he knew him closely and called Alfonso to tell him about the plan.

At that point, I didn't have a choice but to trust Alberto, just because Leila did.

Alberto told us that Giovanni knew that we were going to come at some point, but he never thought we would come that soon. It was the perfect timing because he thought we needed to plan the whole thing when in reality, we didn't. The only thing we planned was how were we going to separate inside the mansion.

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