Chapter Five - Purr-ple Cheeks

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I can't believe that my father agreed to keep Leila in our house. Not only didn't we know her, but also she was our enemy's wife.


I didn't trust her, especially that she came out of nowhere. Didn't she have family to run or something?

I had to keep my guard up because I didn't know what she was capable of. For all I know, she could murder us in our sleep-not that she'll succeed anyways.

I walked into my room and my eyes immediately roamed around searching for Cindy; my lazy cat. She always hid from me whenever I needed her. It's as if she knew I was about to confide in her and tell her about all the drama that has been happening in my life and she'd hide so that I wouldn't kill the remaining brain cells she still had, if she even still had any.

I looked under the bed and found her hiding in a corner. She glared at me once she saw my extended hand, attempting to grab her. She's honestly too lazy to move her ass up and run away from me.

"Come here, baby girl," I said, once I had her in my arms.

She tried to get out of my grasp, but I firmly held her in. "Please stay a little," I groaned, kissing the top of her head.

"Did you hear about the new girl? She's so annoying," I said, earning a meow. "I know!" I added.

All of a sudden, while I was in my vulnerable state, she crawled out of my grasp and ran outside of the room. I immediately followed her and saw her going into Leila's room.


I followed her and peaked inside to check if Leila was inside. I heard a rattling in the bathroom and knew that I had to get Cindy out of there fast. I walked inside and quickly grabbed her. I was about to turn around and leave, but while I was turning, my eyes landed on Leila, who was standing beside the bathroom door, with a towel wrapped around her body.

How didn't I hear the bathroom door opening?

My eyes widened and the atmosphere became weird and awkward.

"Ahh..." I didn't know what to say.

Fuck you, Cindy.

"W-What are you doing here?" She asked, as she walked towards me until she stood right in front of me, holding her towel tightly.

She wasn't that close though.

"I..I was follo-" Cindy decided to cut me off and jump down, scaring Leila in the process, which led for the towel to fall because Leila no longer held onto it. She screamed and was about to fall, but I held her and somehow we ended up on her bed, me on top of her, while she was completely naked.


Her eyes widened in shock, as she laid frozen, not moving a muscle. My body covered her naked one. I looked at her and her cheeks were not only pink, but had a shade of purple. She was so embarrassed and shy.

She looked cute.

"Move..." She hissed, cutting off my thoughts.

"Okay wait, let me close my eyes," I grunted.

I closed my eyes and pushed my body backwards. I quickly turned around and opened my eyes and left the room.

Fuck what just happened?

Ugh Cindy Ugh!

I walked into my room and found Cindy snoring on my bed.

I hated that I was thinking of the possibility of Cindy setting everything up, which made me sound crazy.

I let her sleep and made my way to the living room to check on my mother.

I walked into the living room, only to see my mother still in the same position, reading her new favourite book.

"Hola mama," I greeted her.

"Hola, mi hijo," she replied, kissing my cheeks. (Hello my son)

"Where is dad?" I asked, looking around the room.

"He went to the warehouse. He said he had some work," she replied.

"Oh okay," I said, as I sat beside her on the couch.

"Sweetie, did you apologize to Leila for hitting her on the head?" She asked, gently.

I was going to yell at her, but then remembered that she's my mother.

"Umm, you know I don't do sorrys, mother," I said with a frown.

"But you have to apologize, son. She is our guest and I expect you to behave with your best behaviour, okay?"

"Mama, I don't trust this woman like you do," I said a bit harshly, but quickly apologized.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, continuing reading her book.

I knew she would give me the silent treatment for a while because not only I kind of yelled at her, but also I didn't listen to her.

Damn it.

"Fine..." I sighed, as she grinned widely.

"I knew you'd do the right thing, my baby boy," she said, pinching my cheeks as if I was a baby.

"Mom!" I whisper-hissed.

"Don't get embarrassed now," she laughed.

I cleared my throat and stood up to leave. If my father had gone to the warehouse and didn't tell me, it meant that he didn't need me or the matter wasn't really important, but I still preferred to go and help in any way I could.

"I am leaving. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"No. Take care," she replied, giving me a hug.

I left the mansion and walked to my Ferrari 250 gto. I hopped in and drove to the warehouse that wasn't too far from our house.

The roads were empty and I reached immediately. I parked my car and stepped out. As I walked into the warehouse, I greeted some members, mostly men. The women in our mafia worked respectful jobs like accounting and assistants. We didn't have clubs and strippers and all that shit.

I knocked on my father's office's door and waited for his reply. Once I did, I opened the door and strolled in.

"Didn't know you were coming," he said.

"I Just came to see if you need anything," I shrugged, as I sat on the chair.

"Thanks, son, but there's nothing. Just go home and keep your eyes on Leila," my father replied, making me frown.

"Do you have any suspicions?"

"No, but stay home just in case something happens, like Giovanni suddenly finding out and coming to our house."

"How would he even know?" I asked.

"I think we have a mole in the mafia, son."

* * *

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