Chapter Eleven

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I woke up the next day with Cindy safely sleeping in my arms. I had never slept with something fluffy in my arms unlike many who sleep hugging something. Sleeping with Cindy made me want to do it again every single day, but I knew that that would be impossible because Demetrio would go crazy.

I stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I was in Italy, I had a habit of taking a shower every single day, which is good, especially at the end of the relationship when Giovanni would touch me.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I exited the bathroom and walked back into my bedroom. I wore a simple black t-shirt with a pair of black shorts and plain black sandals. I wouldn't normally wear shorts back in Italy because the house in the morning would be full of disgusting men.

"Pss Pss... Cindy.." I pet Cindy and tried waking her up. She stirred until she opened her eyes. I took her in my arms and started talking to her and kissing her head.

"You're so cute!" I cooed her, receiving a meow.

I opened the door and walked out. I debated whether I should go to Demetrio or go to the living room, but then I remembered him telling me that his father didn't like cats, so I guess I should go to his room. I didn't even know how Lorenzo tolerated living with a car. I could sense that Lorenzo secretly loved Cindy but he wouldn't show it.

I made my way to his room and knocked on the door. Seconds passed when the door flew open revealing a naked girl. Well not literally, but figuratively. But I was taken aback.

"Who are you?" She asked rudely. I wanted so bad to roll my eyes but controlled myself.

"Hi, I am just here to drop off Cindy," I politely said. She looked at me with a disgusted look. "You are the Italian, aren't you? You must be." She looked at me from head to toe.

"Who is it, Paloma?!" A voice asked. Paloma opened the door wider revealing a shirtless Demetrio.

He looked surprised to see me.

"I am just here to drop off Cindy," I quickly said, handing her to him, and turned around and left.

That was so embarrassing and I didn't want to be put in that situation.

I made my way downstairs to the living room.

"Good morning," I greeted Valeria, who was reading a book as usual.

"Good morning Leila-feeling better?" she asked, lifting her head and looking at me.

"Yes." I smiled warmly.

"Great! Because today we are going shopping. You need some new stuff," she said excitedly, making me frown. I wished I got excited about shopping like she were. The only thing I was excited about at the time was when Giovanni would leave for a few days.

"But it is not safe." I tried to reason.

"Lorenzo and Demetrio are coming, so don't worry."

"I don't think Demetrio is free. He's busy..." I said coldly.

"Busy? With what?" She frowned.

"Paloma," I bitterly said, immediately regretting it.

Why was I mad?

"Fuck! I told him not to bring his one-night stands home," she grumbled. "I hate Paloma!" Valeria hissed.

"Me too..." I mumbled for only me to hear, but apparently, she did because she smirked.

I was going to explain myself when suddenly Paloma and Demetrio walked into the living room.

"Buenos Dias, Valeria." Paloma fake smiled. She hugged Valeria and I could feel Valeria's uncomfortableness from my place.

Valeria just nodded and acted as if Paloma was not there. I shifted my gaze to Demetrio to find him looking at me. I rolled my eyes and quickly averted my eyes.

"Hola, mama," Demetrio greeted his mother with a kiss. He too was ignored by his mother.

"Well, we should be going," he said turning around and ready to leave with Paloma hand in hand.

"Come at 5. We are going shopping" Valeria said. Demetrio turned around with a frown. "Shopping? Why do you want me to come?"

"Because Leila is coming, and she needs protection-your father is coming as well."

"But we are going to spend today together," The snake said.

"I didn't talk to you Paloma, did I?" Valeria snapped. Demetrio's eyes widen at his mother's reaction. "I'll be here at 5," Demetrio quickly said like a good boy and left.

After they left, many questions swarmed into my brain. I was so curious and Valeria is the only one who could answer them.

"Why do you hate Paloma?" I asked curiously. Valeria looked my way with a frown.

"Because my son deserves better-plus, I already have someone in mind for him." She smirked at the last part. I was kind of disappointed when she said that.

"Is there like something between them? You know... Other than a one-night stand?" I hesitantly asked. I didn't dare to look at Valeria because I knew she would have had that smirk on her lips.

"No, don't worry. She is not his type anyway," she said and I could sense the amusement in her voice. "Why?" she suddenly asked. I looked at her and indeed, she had her famous smirk plastered on her lips.

"N-Nothing... really," I stuttered and looked anywhere but her eyes.

"You know... I'd prefer you over her." Shocking the hell out of me, I looked at her with wide eyes.

"What? Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She smiled warmly. I looked at the floor with embarrassment.

"There is no secret Valeria," I said.

"So, you don't like my son?" she asked with an arched brow.

"I like him, but as a friend. I barely know him," I quickly said.

I don't like him...maybe infatuated, but not like. Plus, it's pregnant hormones.

"You know... your eyes are exposing your lie," she said.

"It doesn't matter. It'll never happen." I said. She looked at me with a serious look. "Why? Because you are an Italian?"

"Not just that. I am carrying a baby that is not his, I have a target on my back, and he hates me." I concluded.

"So, you are saying that you wish the baby was his?" She grinned.

"I didn't say that!" I giggled. "Don't twist my words, Valeria!" I laughed.

She laughed and continued reading her book. I sat there thinking about everything.

Did I just confess to Valeria that I felt something for her son? Did I even feel something for her son? No, I don't. All I care about is my baby right now.

"Buenos Dias, mi amor!" Lorenzo walked into the living room and greeted his wife. She looked dreamily at him and greeted him back.

"It's good you're here-we are going shopping today and you are coming," Valeria said excitedly.

"Why should I come?" He groaned, but I could see that he is teasing his wife.

"Why? Do you have something better to do? A woman?!" She snapped. Hell, I was taken aback. Valeria is a fucking bitch. I admire her, and I want to be like her in the future.

"You are the only woman in my life, mi amor," he said and kissed her lips.

"I am still here," I said clearing my throat. They looked at me and laughed. I stood up and made my way to my room.

I entered my room and jumped on the bed. The baby was probably cursing for the concussion I just gave him.

Even though I just woke up, I was so sleepy. It was 9 AM. They usually eat breakfast at 9:30, so I decided to take a small nap.

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