Chapter 1 - Welcome To New York

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"Welcome to New York," the pilot announced, making me sign in relief. I thought I was never going to arrive, especially when the thought of some of Giovanni's men might be in the plane, waiting for me to leave the airport to kill me, which is why I was looking behind me every 5 seconds.

I walked through the crowded halls of the airport, following the people who were in my plane. I didn't know where to go, so naturally, I followed them.

I made sure to throw my phone before I left Italy because I knew for a fact that Giovanni had placed a tracking chip in it. The last thing I wanted was for him to know where I was.

I strolled outside the airport and was greeted with the lovely weather of New York. It was sunny and it wasn't too hot. The rainy smell hit my nose, indicating that it had been raining a few hours ago.

I found a taxi outside the airport and got in, but not before making sure no one was following me.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver asked, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

I didn't really know where the Gonzalez's resided other than they lived in New York, so I had to find a way to find their home. In the meanwhile, I had to stay in a cheap motel, a little further from the airport.

"Please take me to a motel, one far from here," I told the driver.

He nodded and drove off. He told me that we would be there in thirty-minutes, which I think is far enough from the airport. The reason I wanted to stay somewhere far away was because I was scared that when Giovanni knew I was in New York, he would find me immediately if I was close to the airport. I didn't know if that's even smart, but I felt better doing that.

I looked outside the window and it just occurred to me that I have never seen New York before. Hell, I have never seen anything outside of Italy before. It was so beautiful. New York was so crowded and had lots of traffic. I wish I had lived here. All my life I have been isolated. When I was in Italy, I could only go out to events with Giovanni whenever he ordered me to.

When I married Giovanni, I thought I would be the happiest woman alive. My childhood and teens weren't that great, so I thought Giovanni would help me forget all the terrible things my parents did to me, but he proved to be just like them.

Was I expecting the Gonzalez's to be bad? Yes. But I have heard that they are good people from Alberto. I just hoped they'd believe my good intentions and don't kick me out, or worse! Kill me.

Before I married Giovanni, he never told me about him being a mafia capo. Only after I married him, I discovered that he was by accident. I had caught him yelling to one of his then bodyguards about a murder that went wrong. I remember confronting him and being so mad at him for not telling me, but he never laid a hand on me.

But everything changed later.

I didn't notice I had tears running down my face. I quickly wiped my tears and sniffed.

"Ma'am, we are here. I cannot go farther. There's too much traffic," the driver announced.

"Thank you so much sir," I said, handing him the money and getting out.

I walked for about 5 minutes, until a two-story building came into view, with a sign that said 'Motel.' It looked cheap and a place that no one would want to stay in, which is what I needed.

I strolled inside slowly, as I looked around the interior of the motel. A creepy old man strolled down the stairs, staring at me like I was a piece of meat. I shuddered and quickly made my way to the receptionist.

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