Chapter Thirty-Seven - Adam & Dalila

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I hated when I got nightmares. I hadn't got any for a long time, but after killing them, they came back for some reason, like a sort of punishment...why? I don't know.

They should be the ones who are suffering and not me. Maybe I was stressed? Or maybe I was just scared because, in a couple of weeks, Mia would be coming into this world.

I don't know.

"Morning." I greeted everyone who seemed...happy.

"What's going on?"

"We are getting married!" Dalila, who was next to Adam, squealed.

"That's....That's amazing!" I replied happily and hugged them both. "When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Adam replied.

"Tomorrow? did you organize stuff and all that?" I was shocked.

"Dalila has been organizing it for a while now...she was even more excited than I am." Adam teased Dalila making her pout.

"Aww baby, I was kidding." He cooed and kissed her on the top of her head. I cringed.

Wait...What am I going to wear? Oh my god.

"What am I going to wear?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Well, I chose you to be one of my bridesmaids...if that's okay, and the dresses are already done," Dalila said hesitantly. She was afraid I would say no since she and I were not...that close.

"Wow...thank you. I am honored," I replied with a smile.


"Really." I nodded.

I sat beside Demetrio and he took my hand in his. He leaned in and whispered, "I've missed you, my love."

I looked at him and bit my lip. I knew this drove him crazy and I knew he couldn't do anything about it while we were there with everyone.

I liked to tease him.

He tensed up and looked somewhere else, but his eyes betrayed him and glanced again at my lip.

"Stop playing with fire." He whispered again.

"Or what?" I challenged him.

"Or I will fuck you until you couldn't walk anymore." My cheeks turned red, my eyes widened, and my breathing started to decline.

Him saying stuff like that wasn't the best idea. Being on my last weeks, my hormones were everywhere and I couldn't help but think about dirty stuff. He knew this, yet he continued talking like that. He knew me just like I knew him.

"Are you two okay?" Valeria asked with a worried look, oblivious to what was happening.

"Y-yeah..." I stuttered making Valeria nod and Rio to smirk.

"Demetrio, I need to talk to you." Lorenzo suddenly said and walked outside the living room.

What does he want with him?



I followed my father and we entered Mateo's office.

"What is it, father? Is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly. I was so happy that everything was over and now this?

"Don't worry son. It is not what you think." I sighed in relief upon hearing that.


"Look son, you are turning 30 and I want you to take over my work. No one knows when I'll die and I want to make sure you take my place. I want to be beside you when you do." He said gently.

"I understand father, but I told you, I want to get married first," I said nervously.

"Then get married son. What are you waiting for?"

What am I waiting for? seriously, why am I waiting?

"I-I don't know... I am scared Leila won't be ready for marriage," I replied hesitantly.

"You can't know if you don't ask her. I can see the love she has for you in her eyes, and I know you are madly in love with her as well. So, go propose to her for god's sake."

What if she says no? What if she says that she is not ready to get married? What if she is scared of ever getting married because of that fucker? What if she...What if she doesn't want to get married to me?

But why wouldn't she? My subconscious asked.

"Don't overthink about it. She loves you son and she wants you." My father started. "When I first met your mother, I never imagined she would be mine and would marry me. I thought she hated me and that she doesn't want to marry a man in the mafia, even though she was practically born into it. But later...feelings got involved and I asked her to marry me. Indeed, I was so nervous because I thought she would say no, but she said yes, and now we have you and Dalila." He explained his life story in short.

"I love her so much, father," I said. "I will...I will ask her soon."


The next day had arrived and soon we were ready for my sister's wedding. Even though Dalila made some mistakes, she was still my sister. She is older than me, but she is my baby sister...on some way.

Leila was wearing a beautiful light pink dress that matched all the other bridesmaids and shaped her bump perfectly. It was indeed made for her. She looked so stunning, not that she never looked beautiful.

Waiting among the people beside my family for Dalila to come in with my father, I started thinking about my wedding and what would it be like. I pictured Leila in her wedding dress, looking magnificent.

I hoped that day would come.

"Demetrio!" My mother called cutting off my thoughts. I turned around and found a frown covering her face.

"I have been calling you for a minute now..."

"Sorry, I was daydreaming," I replied while scratching my neck.

"Daydreaming about your wedding?" She smirked.

How does she know everything? I thought.

"Y-You could say that.." I replied casually. Her smirk grew wider.

She was about to say something when the doors opened and Dalila and my father entered. MY sister looked stunning. She had some tears in her eyes but controlled herself well. Adam was waiting for her on the other side with a smile on his face, and I could feel his nervousness from here. The bridesmaids were standing around them as well.

Dalila reached Adam and my father gave her to him. She stood in front of Adam with a huge smile on her face. A genuine, happy, and a proud smile.

I glanced at Leila and saw her looking at me. I smiled and winked at her earning a blush. If she knew what she does to me...

The couple started saying their vows and the priest pronounced them husband and wife.

"I now pronounce you a Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

And just like that...My sister got married. And all that time, I had been looking at my bride.

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