Chapter Three - Interrogation

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"How did you know?" I asked, as my eyes widened in shock.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds as he paced around, waving his knife in the air. "There's a bounty on your head in the mafia underworld," he said, making me choke on air.

He was definitely going to kill me.

I closed my eyes in defeat, waiting for my execution. I was sure that he was going to kill me. Not only was I his enemy's ex-wife, but also there was a bounty on my head, even though he didn't need the money at all. He had all the money in the world.

All of a sudden, the door opened and another man walked in. I immediately recognized him as Lorenzo Gonzalez, Demetrio's father. He looked dangerously at me and said, "What are you doing in New York and why were you following me?"

"I needed to speak with you," I quickly said, too afraid he might do something. As much as Alberto assured me that they are good people, I wasn't very convinced. After all, I thought Giovanni was the best man on this planet.

"You escaped from your husband to speak with me?" He cocked his eyebrows, as he tilted his head.

"Of course, not!" I scoffed, but immediately regretted it as I saw the look on Demetrio's face. "I had to get out of there-can you please untie me?" I huffed, as I tried to break free from the ropes.

"Answer me before I fucking kill you!" Lorenzo barked and I flinched again for the second time and Demetrio saw that.

"I escaped because I couldn't live with Giovanni anymore. I came here because I need your help," I said, my lower lip's trembling.

Lorenzo's face held nothing but dislike, probably from hearing Giovanni's name.

"Why?" He pressed.

I hesitated for a minute because I didn't want to talk about my problems as if I was going to talk to a therapist, but the only difference was I was talking to Lorenzo; my kidnapper.

"He hasn't been good to me. He abuses me," I said, letting my gaze fall onto the fall.

None of the gorgeous men said anything, as I chewed on my lower lip from nervousness. After another minute, I felt the ropes cut loose and my hands were free.

"So you came here for protection and revenge, then?" Lorenzo smirked, his face held amusement.

I looked up at him and then at Demetrio, but avoided their eyes before saying, "Yes."

I kept rubbing my wrists because they hurt like hell and I never once looked directly into their eyes.

"No," Lorenzo said.


"No," he shrugged.

"Please, I beg you...I need your help," I pleaded.

"Demetrio, take her the fuck out of here!" Lorenzo ordered, as he walked out of the room.

But before Demetrio could even lay his hands on me, I fell unconscious for the second time and this time, it wasn't from any hit.

* * *

I peeled my eyes open and the lights of the room made it almost impossible for me to focus my gaze. I felt a dip on the bed and a hand took mine in theirs. I looked straight only to see a beautiful woman with a kind eyes, smiling down at me.

"How are you dear?" She asked, as she squeezed my hand. I could see Lorenzo and Demetrio standing by the corner of the room with an old man. I had just realized that I was in a normal bedroom, not some basement room tied to the chair.

"Where am I?" I asked, as I placed my hand on my head. It still hurt from the hit when they kidnapped me.

"You're in our house," Lorenzo replied, as he walked our way.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted," the woman said, offering me a kind smile.

She smiles a lot.

I looked confusedly at her and then at Lorenzo.

"Why?" I asked.

I saw the doctor coming our way and stood right in front of me. The look on his face told me not to worry about anything because he looked happy. The woman and Lorenzo looked a little awkward, as if the doctor was about to tell me the news of my life.

"Well ma'am, congratulations! You are pregnant," the doctor said, smiling widely at my widened eyes.

My heart thumped fast and I could feel myself going to faint again, but I controlled myself. I looked up at the doctor and said, "What?"

"You're pregnant," he repeats, breaking my heart even more.

The doctor left after Lorenzo ordering him to, making me feel much worse because I didn't know what he was going to do with me.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked, placing her hand on top of mine and making Lorenzo frown in confusion.

I nodded.

"What was she doing in the basement, Lorenzo?" The woman asked, glaring at Lorenzo.

He rolled her eyes and said, "she's a spy."

"I am not!" I quickly bit back. "I told you why I followed you!"

"And I was supposed to believe you?" He cocked his eyebrow, waiting for my come back.

"Yes," I replied, frowning.

I looked over at Demetrio, only to find him glaring at me. I didn't know what I did to him, but he surely looked like he hated me a lot.

"What did you want?" The woman asked.

I hesitated because I wasn't sure who was she to Lorenzo and Demetrio, and I wasn't sure if she knew about the mafia stuff or not.

"I just needed his help, but I am leaving right now," I replied, as I pulled myself up and tried to walk away, but the woman held my arm, pulling my back.

"You cannot go like this! You're pregnant and the hit on your head will only make it worse for you if you left right now," she exclaimed, "I can't believe you did that!" She added, looking at Demetiro.

"How was I supposed to know that she was pregnant?" He asked in confusion.

She didn't answer him and rolled her eyes. "Tell me, sweetie, what is it that you want?"

I finally gave in since she seemed to know about everything and said, "I need the Gonzalez's protection."

"From what?"

"From my ex-husband."

* * *

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