Chapter Seven - We Keep Meeting Like This

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I punched him across the face for the second time, waiting for him to tell me what I needed to know.

"Tell me before I dig your brain out of your head with this knife," I threatened.

Danny was standing beside me, waiting for my command.

When I saw Fisher not responding, I told Danny to take it from there and start torturing him. I wanted to do it myself, but I wasn't feeling like it.

I stormed out of the room with a huff. I had so much anger inside of me that I wanted to kill someone.

I walked to my car and got in, but before I could start it, my phone dinged. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the screen.

A message from my sister appeared on the lock screen telling me to look at the picture she sent. I rolled my eyes, clearly not in the mood for her childish acts, but decided to give in and check the picture.

It was a photo of Cindy sleeping on Leila's lap, looking as cute as ever. A smile broke out on my face as I stared at the photo. They're so beautiful. Leila was petting Cindy, who was purring like she always does. Leila on the other hand was smiling, and it was the first time I see her smile and let me tell you, she has a beautiful smile.

I shook my head in amusement as I put the phone away. I couldn't believe I thought Leila's smile was beautiful.

That thought should never have crossed my mind.

I revived the engine and drove to my house.

As I was driving, Leila crossed my mind, and I started thinking about whether or not she would give birth to her baby. I know that it wasn't an easy decision for her to make even though I didn't know what she was feeling because I had never been in that situation before.

I don't know what would I do if it were me-if I had a baby without my partner. I know that it would be tough but a part of me feels that I would want it.

I parked my car and stepped out, making my way to the mansion. Mrs. Charles opened the door for me as if she felt that I arrived.

Mrs. Charles had been working for us for a very long time, even before I was born. She treated me like a son and I treated her like a second mother.

"Welcome home, Demetrio," she greeted with a smile.

"Hola, mi amor," I replied, hugging her.

I walked to the living room and saw my mother, Dalilah, and Leila sitting, with Cindy still on Leila's lap, making me jealous.

"Rio! You're home early," my mother said, putting away her book.

I rolled my eyes at her without her seeing. Trust me, she could be a bit much when it came to her beloved books.

"Sí, I finished early," I replied without giving details.

Leila was avoiding looking at me at all costs as if she was embarrassed because of what happened.

I was still mad at Cindy because of what she did...or rather what she did accidentally, I guess. I mean...why was Cindy still lying on Leila's lap? That made me so mad because Cindy was supposed to love me more and I kind of felt jealous.

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