Chapter Twenty-Eight - Movie Night

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Valeria insisted for Demetrio and I join her "movie night" with Lorenzo, despite us saying no. We just didn't want to intrude and ruin their night together which they had been doing for years. It just wasn't right and we didn't feel like going, but Valeria won in the end, dragging us to the basement of the house, where she had a beautiful cinema room.

"This is amazing," I said, looking at the décor in astonishment. Everything was beautiful, from the big screen to the red velvet couches that stood right in front of the screen. On the right side of the couches, was the kitchen with all kinds of snacks.

"I know! I begged Lorenzo for a year to make me this room," Valeria said excitedly.

"Why didn't he agree before that?" I asked.

"He didn't want me to drag him here every time I wanted to watch a movie," she said, looking dreamily at him. "But I know he secretly loves it."

Lorenzo smiled at what Valeria said, which confirmed what she said. The love he had for her was beyond anything I had ever seen. It was only when Demetrio and I got together that I felt a love like theirs.

"Come on. Let's start before I change my mind," Lorenzo said, earning an eye roll from Valeria.

Lorenzo and Valeria sat on the couch, while Demetrio and I sat on the floor, with our backs to the rest. We had covers wrapped around us and two bowls of popcorn on our laps.

We decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, the Curse of the Black Pearl. It was a little old movie, but despite everyone having watched it before, we wanted to watch it again.

In the first ten minutes of the movie, my popcorn bowl became empty. I must have eaten the whole bowl because of how hungry I was.

I looked at Rio's full bowl and felt jealous. I sneaked my hand into his bowl and stole some. He gave me a side playful glare before handing me the whole bowl myself.

"What about you?" I whispered.

"I will just get another one." He smiled and got up to get more popcorn.

I felt happy and excited to eat the second bowl of the night, even when I knew it wouldn't be enough. I felt like I was beating so fast as if I didn't have food for days.

Rio came back with another two bowls. I looked at him confused as to why he bought two when he said, "I knew two wouldn't be enough, baby. You're eating for two."

My heart warmed when he handed me another bowl and got closer to me until his thigh touched mine. "Thank you," I said. He sent me a smile before focusing back on the screen.

When I finished my second popcorn bowl, I dove into the third, which by the way, was so delicious.

I thanked Rio for the millionth time and laid my head on his shoulder.

For a minute, I forgot about Valeria and Lorenzo, who were sitting behind us. When I looked behind me, I discovered that they were asleep.

"They're asleep," I whispered to Rio.

He smirked and looked at me. "You want to do something?"

"Something like what?" I asked.

He chuckled and said, "Something in my bedroom, Leila."

Damn it!

I always never got the memo.

I shyly looked at him and nodded. With another smirk, he grabbed my hand gently and dragged me after him towards his room.

Cindy was sitting on the bed like a queen, so Rio had to move her somewhere else. She was very sleepy and didn't care that Rio changed her place of sleeping.

When he came back, he removed his shirt and hopped on the bed beside me. His tattoo on his stomach made me want to touch it and I did.

"What's this about?" I asked, pointing at the very small yellow flower tattoo on his lower abdomen.

He smiled and looked at the tattoo. He looked like he had a lot to say about the tattoo. He thought very hard before replying.


"Me?! How? When did you get it?" I fired question, trying to overcome my shock.

"The day before we discovered the gender of the baby, I got it. It reminds me of you because yellow roses resemble happiness, and you made me happy, Leila."

I wanted to cry at his confession because no one had ever done something like that for me. It was so special and simple.

"It's beautiful...I don't know what to say," I said nervously as I traced the tattoo with my index finger, making him shudder from my touch.

"Leila..." he called.


"Have you thought of a name for the baby?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

"What is it?" He grinned, getting closer to me. His smell was divine, making me feel dizzy.

"Mia. I have decided to name her Mia," I said.

"'s beautiful, love."

" is," I smiled, looking at my bump.

"Can I, touch it?" he asked, pointing at my belly.

"Yeah, of course," I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on my stomach.

"It's getting bigger," he said, making me glare at him. "I meant the baby...I don't mean-"

"Rio, it's fine," I giggled as I shook my head.

He got worked up pretty easily.

But it was something I liked about him. He never touched me without asking me first. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable with him, especially after what Giovanni did. Rio was so sweet and gentle with me, which made me fall in love more with him, and don't get me started on his love for my baby.

He is affectionate and I couldn't help but think about how would he be with our children. I started thinking of having more with him and I didn't hate the idea at all. I would never make the same mistake of choosing the wrong father for my kids. Giovanni was a mistake I never saw coming, but deep down knew that it was.

Rio on the other hand is a whole new story.

Rio leaned in and pecked my lips. He rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyed. "You smell amazing, how do you do that."

"I shower," I giggled, making him laugh.

"We should do that sometimes," he said.

I blushed at what he said and looked at my lap. I tended to get shy a lot whenever he was around.

"Yeah, we should," I said.

* * *

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