Chapter Ten - Attacked

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The same day at night, I was in my room reading a book that Lorenzo gave to me. He told me that Valeria gave the book to him to give it to me, knowing that I would be bored to death while staying at the warehouse.

She wasn't wrong though.

I was bored to hell because no one would talk to me as everyone was busy with work, even Demetrio didn't come to my room once to check up on me. Besides, why would he?

It was 10 PM when the sound of an explosion echoed through the house, making the bed move slightly from the pressure. I was that close to falling to the ground.

All of a sudden, the bedroom door slammed open and Demetrio ran inside looking alarmed.

"What happened?" I asked, standing up.

"Giovanni's men."

"How'd you know?"

Before he could answer, gunshots were fired throughout the house and Demetrio immediately grabbed my arm and shoved me inside the closet.

"Don't come out no matter what," he whispered.

He closed the closet's door and that's when the room's door flew open revealing a man.

Demetrio attacked him and they wrestled. There was no time for either one of them to take out their guns, even though the man's gun was in his hand, but he was surprised by Demetrio's attack that he dropped it.

Too stupid to be here fighting.

I slowly opened the closet door to see what was happening when suddenly I saw another guy coming in. He was aiming at Demetrio and was ready to shoot, but I quickly opened the door wider and took out my gun from the holster and shot the motherfucker. Thank god Lorenzo gave me a gun when he gave me the book, claiming that I might need it if one of those motherfuckers from his mafia tried anything on me, even though he gave strict instructions.

Demetrio punched the first guy until he was unconscious. Then, he shot him.

"I said don't come out!" He yelled.

"I am not going to let you die when I could have stopped it!" I yelled back.

He grabbed my arm and we slowly made our way out of the room. He peeked downstairs and saw many dead bodies.

Suddenly, a man walked up the stairs. He looked to be the same age as Demetrio.

"What happened?" Demetrio asked.

"All of them are dead, but we lost a lot. I only kept one alive. You a message."

"Come on let's go," Demetrio said after nodding at the man and grabbing my hand.

"Take care, bro."

"Who is he?" I asked curiously. I heard a growl coming from him before he answered, "You don't have to know."

We left the warehouse after making sure there are no more attackers. Demetrio called some of his additional men that weren't at the warehouse to clean the mess.

We got in Demetrios' car and drove to the mansion. I still couldn't believe what happened. Even though it was fast and ended quickly, Giovanni's men were there and were closer than ever. What would have happened if they had gotten to me?

But at the same time, it seemed that Giovanni sent those men to die as if he sent a warning, telling me that he was coming because no way he was that stupid to attack the Spanish mafia without him coming. If one thing I knew about Giovanni was that he wasn't a coward.

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