Chapter Six - Mole

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"A mole? Who do you think it might be?" I asked, looking confusedly at my father.

"I don't know, yet. I have asked Daniel to find that out," my father replied.

Danny or Daniel is my best friend. We grew up together as our fathers were friends--well that was until his father passed away. He sometimes sleeps at our house because my mother never allows him to sleep outside for more than two days. She practically treats him like a son.

As if on cue, a sound of a knock on the door halted our conversation, as my father asked whoever behind the door to enter.

Danny walked inside, holding a folder in his hand. He nodded at me and placed the folder on the table. I was about to open my mouth and say something, when he placed his finger on his lips, telling me to remain silent.

He took out a paper from him pocket and gave it to my father. When my father read what's on the paper, he handed it to me.

It read, "There's might be a bug in this room hidden somewhere. Do not speak about anything important until I find it out."

"So, when is will we visit Spain?" I asked, trying to come up with anything as Danny walked around and searched the room.

"I am still not sure if we are going," my father replied.

I wanted to tell my father that if there was a bug in the office and they were listening to what we were saying before Danny came, then they would definitely find it weird that we changed the subject when Danny came. But I just hoped that the bug person wasn't that smart.

We hear a smash and look to my left to see Danny stomping on the bug.

"Found it," he said.

"Did you find out who it is?" My father asked, as he stood up.

"Yes. Our IT guy."

"Sam Fisher?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

No way would it be Sam He has been working for my father for almost 10 years and he has never shown disloyalty or dishonesty.

"Are you sure?" My father asked.

"Open the folder in front of you. There are pictures of Fisher and Giovanni," Danny said, pointing at the folder.

My father opened the folder and he narrowed his eyes at what he saw inside. I was so sure that my father was very angry because it was a betrayal that came from a very close person to him and a person he'd never thought would betray him.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, as I stood up.

"Take him to the basement and ask him what the fuck did he tell Giovanni. I'm sure he told him that Leila's staying with us," my father said, slamming his fist on the table.

I nodded and Danny and I left the office.

* * *


I couldn't believe what had happened. Demetrio Gonzalez had seen me half-naked, while holding the most gorgeous cat ever.

The fact that he didn't only see me half-naked, but also fell on top of me, leaving us in a very compromising position, made me feel extremely weird. I didn't know how I will see him again.

I wore my black jeans and white tank top and made my way downstairs. My black boots made noise as I descended the stairs, grabbing Valeria's attention.

"Leila! Good you're here. Meet my daughter Dalilah," Valeria said, pointing at her daughter, who sat beside her.

"Hello, Leila, nice to meet you," Dalilah said, raising her hand for me to shake.

"Hey, nice to meet you too," I replied, shaking her hand and giving her a small smile.

"Dalilah is engaged to Adam Martinez; Mateo Martinez's son. I am sure you have heard of them," Valeria said, opening up a conversation.

"Yes, of course," I replied.

"We are going to a nice restaurant today with Adam's sister, you should come. Rio is coming too," Dalilah said, shocking me. I didn't expect to be invited to a dinner with them this soon or ever actually.

"I am not sure if...Mr. Gonzalez will allow it," I said, making Valeria laugh.

"Don't worry, honey. It's my word that goes in this house," Valeria proudly said, making me giggle.

"Dad cannot say no to mom," Dalilah agreed with a smile.

"Yeah, she's the reason he let me stay actually," I said, earning a nod.

"Mom told me that you're pregnant, what month are you in?" Dalilah asked, looking at my belly.

I totally forgot that I was pregnant and I definitely forgot that I needed to see a doctor for screening.

"Umm...I am not really sure. I just found out that I was pregnant."

"We definitely need to bring a doctor here to check. The doctor that came last time only confirmed your pregnancy," Valeria added.

"You really don't have to," I said, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"No, we have to check on the baby and you have to have a photo," Valeria finalized.

I nodded, not saying anything else.

After few minutes of listening to Valeria and Dalilah talk about wedding stuff, Demetrio's cat suddenly jumped on me and sat on my lap. That somehow grabbed both of their attention and they looked confusedly at the cat.

"I need to take a picture," Dalilah quickly said, holding her phone up and snapping a photo.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cindy doesn't like anyone, not even Demetrio. He practically forces her to sit on his lap because he loves her," Dalilah explained.

"That's true," Valeria added.

I looked down at Cindy only to see her purring and sleeping soundly. She looked so beautiful, white fur with black dots, almost like a cow's skin.

"She's beautiful," I said with a smile, as I pet her gently.

"I am sending this to Rio ASAP!" Dalilah got excited.

My heart suddenly started to beat faster at the mention of Demetrio and I wondered how will he react to seeing his cat on my lap.

Cindy stretched and started licking herself. Such a cute cat.

* * *

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