Chapter 1

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Revised 1/15/2022
Lily's POV
We had just gotten in the car for Mom to drop me off at my school. I was in the car just riding along. "How are you enjoying school?" I looked out the window "it's awesome so far!" My mom smiled.

My mom is my best friend and I I'm her helper. I never knew my dad and Mom never talks about him. But she has a picture of him. He looks kinda arrogant. As I was about to say something else. I was thrown forward against my seatbelt. Knocking the wind from me.  Something had hit us head on. The other driver who had hit us sped off and left us. I unbuckled myself and slowly reached up to Mom. "Mom? Mom? MOM?" My mother wasn't responding to me. I found her phone and called 911

Operator: 911 what's your emergency?
Lily:M-My mom isn't talking to me. We were hit by something
Operator: Okay sweetie do you know where you are?
Lily: N-No
Operator: That's alright sweetie. We are tracking your location now

They hung up. I was still in shock so I just sat there with my arms wrapped around myself. When the police finally got there with an ambulance. The officer who introduced himself as Officer Mike had gently pulled me out of the car, and had slowly lifted my Mother's limp body out of the drivers side and set her on the gunnery. The paramedics checked her and looked at each other worriedly then at me sympathetically. The nice Officer came over to me again

"Lily do you have your Dad's number?" I shook my head "M-My Dad has never been in around," he sighed. "I'm sorry but your mother has been....," He paused  "Killed by the crash," I knew what he meant by killed. I started sobbing louder and harder then I had been before. "No!. She has to be okay!" I wailed. He gently wrapped his arms around me. Trying his best to comfort me. I was in to much shock and confusion to take any comfort from someone I didn't know.

The officer picked me up, and carried me over to a patrol car. Saying something to another officer he set me in the backseat. He got into the driver's seat, and started up the car. I was to upset to care where we were going.

When we got to what I assumed was the police station. He opened my door, and squatted down. "I know your upset but, I need you to get out and come with me," I whipped my stuffy nose on the back of my hand nodded. I bet I looked like a mess. He held his hand out to me. I took it, letting him lead me into the station, and to his office. He motioned to a couch. I walked shakily over to it, and sat down. I was still in to much shock to really think straight.

The next thing I knew I had fallen asleep. Officer Mike had laid a blanket over me and moved me to a couch in the break room of the police station. When I woke up I was in a dark break room. I wondered out of the door with the blanket wrapped around me.

Mike saw me and rushed over and knelt down to my height "Hi, sleeping beauty," he said gently. "There's someone here. That need sto talk to you. Are you okay with that?" I nodded still a bit sleepy. I rubbed a bit of the sleep from my eyes. He took my hand and led me into a room.

There was a fancy looking lady waiting for us. "Hello Lilian," I cocked my head and stared at her for a few minutes. Then waved a hello. Still clinging to the blanket wrapped around my shoulder.

"It's okay sweetie I've been looking through some paperwork and have found your father. We have contacted him and we will be bringing you to him in a couple of days meanwhile. Mike Simons here is going to take care of you for a few days untill we can get you to your Dad," I nodded "But what about mama?" She sighed "I'm sorry sweetie but your Mama is not coming back," I still couldn't process it.

Well I rode home with Mike and he settled me into the bed and slept besides me to offer warmth and comfort to me. His wife was really nice giving me a cookie when I asked. And his daughter Elle was really sweet. She was a lot younger then me though.

The beginning (Doctor Strange x daughter OC) Where stories live. Discover now