Chaoter 16

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Lily's POV
We both were standing in front of the window in the sanctum when Thor appeared across the room with his back towards us. "Thor Odinson," Dad whispered. Creepily in my opinion but this is the way Dad wanted to do it so we are doing it his way. I floated towards Thor on Mandelas while Dad did the same thing but with the Cloak. "God of Thunder," I finished when we landed. Thor raised the umbrella in his hand. As in a defense pose. "You can put down the umbrella," Dad said. Thor gave us a sidelong look but put his umbrella down nonetheless.

Then Dad shifted us to the relic vault. Thor walked over to an intricately stacked metal pillars. He pulled one out of the stack. "So earth has wizards now?" Thor questioned. Dad and I locked eyes and sighed in unison. "The preferred term is "Master or in my case Mistress of the Mystic Arts," I explained trying not to laugh. "Alright wizard, who are you? Why should I care,"  Thor tried to place the metal piece back in but ended up just causing the whole thing to fall. "My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. And this is my daughter Lily," he said inclining his head toward me. "And we have some questions for you," the he nodded at me to shift us to the one of the sanctums sitting rooms.

"Take a seat," I sat with my Dad on one of the sofas while Thor sat facing us in one of the armchairs. "Tea?" I offered and made a small teacup appear in his hand. "I don't drink tea,"  he said looking disgruntled "What do you drink?" I asked "Not tea," he replied. I sighed, and did a spell that gave him a large glass of Asgardian Ale. "So we keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world," I interrupted. "Because he pretty much destroyed half of New York. And let a alien invasion force come onto earth. Your adopted brother Loki is one of the beings that we supervise," I finished. Thor chugged the glass of ale. "He's a worthy inclusion," Thor said "Then why bring him here?" Dad asked. "We're looking for my father," Thor explained. "So. If we were to tell you where Odin was, all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?" Dad questioned. "Promptly," Thor agreed "Great. Then we'll help you," I said.

"If you knew where he was, why didn't you call me?" Thor asked taking another gulp of his drink. "I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile,"  Dad explained. "And you don't have a phone," I finished Dad's thought. "No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email," I slapped my forehead. "Yeah, but do you have a computer?" I asked "No. What for?" Thor answered. An awkward beat of silence? "Anyway, my father is no longer in exile. So if you could tell me where he is, I can take him home,"

"Gladly. He's in Norway," Dad said and stood up. Myself following suit. Dad shifted us to the library and motioned for me to look through one book while he looked through another. I looked up from flipping through the pages and found Thor looking dumbfounded at Dad "We're just seeing whether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications,"  Dad explained "Nope," he said and looked at me questioningly "Nope," I replied. He nodded again.

I shifted us across the room. With Thor still holding onto a shelf causing the same shelf to follow us. Dad was fiddling around on his desk. He looked back at me and Thor. "Oh, we don't need that," Dad said. And shifted us back to the previous room. The ale in Thor's hand spilled all over him. He set the glass down. And books fell off the shelf. "Will you stop doing that?" He railed at me. I just shrugged and inclined my head toward my father. As if I was blaming it on him.

Dad looked over at me asking me to do something with his eyes.  "I need just one strand of your hair," he nodded at me. I snuck behind Thor as he said "Let me explain something, my hair is not to be meddled wi-!" He was cut off by me pulling out a hair or two. I handed it to dad who did a few spell gestures making a symbol that was emitting a bright light. I shifted us again, bringing us to the foyer of the Sanctum.

Dad and I were standing but Thor rolled down the steps."We could have just walked," Thor mumbled while he stood up. Dad created the portal that was needed to find Odin. I pointed at the portal that led to a grassy field. I could feel cool salty air blowing from it "He's waiting for you," I said softly. "All right," Thor nodded. "Don't forget your umbrella," Dad reminded him. "Yes," Thor put out his hand. We could hear crashes and shatters as his umbrella made it to him through the sanctum until it came into his grasp. "......Sorry," He said sheepishly. I sighed because I would most likely be the one cleaning it up.

"I suppose I'll need my brother back," Thor inquired. Dad nodded "Yeah, right," He created another portal. That screaming could be heard from. Then a dark haired man in dark clothes who I assumed was Loki fell out and hit the ground hard. "...I have been falling...for thirty minutes!" Loki exclaimed annoyed. "You can handle him from here," Dad said "Yeah of course," Thor assured. Then Thor extended his hand to shake."Thank you very much for your help," he also shook my hand "You to young maiden," I smiled and nodded. "Good luck," I said "Handle me?" Loki asked. All three of us looked at him "Who are you?" Loki hissed "Loki," Thor warned.

Loki draws out his daggers and charges at us. I quickly conjure Mandelas to block "do you think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate...," Loki went on "Alright. Bye-bye," Dad said and made a gesture causing the portal to move and take in Loki and Thor. The portal closed behind them. l busted out laughing. "Well that could've gone better,". He laughed along with me. "Your right about that Lil," he hugged me and we continued on our way.

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