Chapter 7

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Lily's POV- 3 months later.
I had just gotten off the plane to Kathmandu. With a singular backpack slung over my shoulder. I walked into the street taking in the sights and sound of a new environment. "Do you know where I can find Karma-Taj?" I asked multiple locals forgetting that they can't understand English. I slowly moved through the streets until I felt a hand grip my arm and tug me into a dirty alley. I felt the persons hand wrap over my mouth and their other hand cup one of my budding breast. I started to thrash and scream through his hand. He smacked me so hard I saw stars, but I continued to fight, I quickly elbowed him in the gut. But he was stronger then I was. He was still able to hold me still. He threw me onto the ground and I hit my head on the rough street.

I was almost done for when I felt the person. Who I now knew was a man. Lift off me and thudded into the wall. I felt a soft hand on my cheek. "Are you all right," I heard a deep voice with a British accents say. I opened my eyes to fin a young man with a lean yet muscular build, and black hair. Looking down at me "Are you okay ma'am?" He asked me again when he saw my eyes open. I nodded. Looking into his green eyes. "Thank you," he nodded. I noticed the he was wearing some type of robe-thingy. "Could you possibly tell or show me the way to Karma-Taj?" He looked a bit surprise "Sure ma'am. But if you don't mind me asking. Why do you want to go to Karma-Taj?" I smiled and followed him as he lead me through the streets

"My Father is in Karma-Taj," he nodded "What's his name?" I sighed "Stephen, Stephen Strange," he nodded contemplating the name. But then shook it. "Nope doesn't ring a bell," I shrugged "I wouldn't think it would," then it was his turn to shrug. We walked to a door that didn't look very temple like. But I followed him anyway "Word of advice," I tilted my head waiting for him to continue. "Forget everything you though you knew," I nodded "Okay. And my names Lily, Lilian Strange," he nodded "Got it. My names Michel Reed everyone calls me Mick though," I nodded "Nice to meet you Mich," he smiled and then led me inside.

"Mr, Reed who is this with you?" I heard a women with a accent ask him as we approached a room. He bowed to the women who was wearing yellow robes and was bald. She looks like the women form my dream! My eyes widened slightly. "Ancient One. I found this young lady wondering the streets looking for Karma-Taj. So I brought her," I nodded confirming his story. "Mrs?" She nodded for me to continue. "I came here following my Father Stephen Strange. But something else has come to my attention. I had a dream a couple of months ago and you seen so familiar," she smiled "Dreams are a tricky thing you lady. Might I ask you own name Mrs. Strange," I blushed with embarrassment "Yes. Ma'am. I'm Lilian or Lily," she nodded "Well Lily. Come with me we will find your father," i perked up. "He's here," she nodded.

I followed her waving goodbye to Mike. "Master Mordo could I borrow Strange for a moment?" She looked at me and smiled kindly"Legs keep you out of sight for a bit," I nodded and moved behind a door."What can I do for you Ancient One?" I heard my Dad's voice "Mister Strange I have someone you will want to see," she motioned me froward. I stepped out of my hiding place."Hey Dad," he just stood there dumbfounded for a minute.until he rushed forward and hugged me "Lil! I'm so so sorry about what I said," I smiled into his chest "I know you are Dad, I know you are," he smiled and released me. Mordo walked over "Who is this Strange?" He smiled proudly "This is my daughter Lily," I smiled at him. "Master Mordo," he inclined his head in acknowledgement.

"Lily if you don't mind. Could we discuss that dream you told me about," I nodded. She walked me toward the library. I waved to my Dad and followed her. Once we were settled down to chat. Another women brought in a tray of tea. "Tea?" I nodded. She handed me a cup. "Thank you Mrs," she smiled "Now tell me about your dream," I nodded and started retelling my dream. "There was this ponytail guy in yellow robes. He lopped the head of of another in this library. Then you came in and chase him around for a bit," she nodded thinking. "What you saw in your dream was events that happened about a month ego. Kaecilius is a Master of the mystic arts who left the order and aligned himself with Dormammu," I nodded "So my dream was real," she nodded, and dismissed me.

Walking out of the library I cam upon Mich again. "Hello again," he laughed while I smiled. "Come on I'll take you to your Dad," I nodded and followed him. He showed me to his room where I curled up on his bed and fell asleep. I woke up to him entering the room all sweaty. "Hey Lily!" I laughed at his happiness "Hey Dad," before we could start a conversation Mike knocked on the door. "Hey Lily. The Ancient One wants to speak with you If you would come with me," I nodded and followed him. I looked back at Dad and saw him glaring lasers at Mike. Oh Dad. I laughed to myself softly.

When we got to the Ancient One's room he left me to knock on my own. When I knocked I heard "Come in Lilian Strange," i jumped when the door slowly opened without anyone touching it. I walked in looking around a bit nervously. "Lilian I have something to discuss with you. Please sit down," she motioned to a cushion in front of her. I sat down in front of her crossing my legs and folding my hands. "Lily would you like to learn the Mystic Arts alongside your father?" I thought I bit, and nodded "I think I would," she nodded in turn. "Thank you for answering my question. Your lessons will begin tomorrow. Master Wong will be you teacher," I nodded and knew I was dismissed.

I went back to Dads room. "Hey Dad I'm learning the Mystic Arts with you!" He came over and side hugged me. I pushed him away "Ewww! Your still all sweaty and disgusting!" He laughed "Okay fine I'll go get cleaned up. Then we can go to the library together," I nodded. I noticed a extra door appear on the wall. Dad had already gone to the bathroom. So I walked over and opened it to fin another set of living quarters on the bed was a note and a pile of grey robes. There was also a note with my name on it. So it is mine. I quickly change into my new robe, relishing the feeling of something clean against my skin.

After Dad got out we went to the library "Hey Wing this is Lily," the man looked up at us "Stephen.," my dad nodded. "Wong. Lily," he said pointing to me. "Mrs. Strange I will see tomorrow for your lessons to begin .What do you want, Strange?" I nodded. "Books on astral projection," Wong shook his head "You're not ready for that," Dad stood firm "Try me, Beyonce," Wong just looked at Dad blankly "Come on. You've heard of her. She's a huge star, right? Do you ever laugh? Oh come on, just give me the book, huh?" I laughed "I'll introduce you later Mr. Wong," he nodded acknowledging my offer. "No," Dad stalked out forgetting about me. Wong motioned me to follow him. As I followed him he piled books in my arms. I left the library with a good stack of books to study over the week.

When I got back to our connected rooms I found Dad sitting on his bed reading a book on astral projection. "I thought Wong told you no?" Dad just glanced up for a moment "He did," I titled my head. "Then why do you have books on astral projection?" I saw him smile. "Oh I took them from the library using a portal," I shook my head. Then headed back to my own room for the night. After sending a message to the ancient one.

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