Chapter 9

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Lilian's POV
I was splayed out on the floor catching my breath. The breath was ripped from me when I was thrown back and slammed on the floor. I heard Dad call out "Wong? Mordo?" I slowly sat up and looked around. I followed Dad where we were staring out at busy Bleecker Street in NYC. "How'd we get to New York City" I asked. "I honestly don't know," he replied. We walked back inside and up the stairs. "Hello?" As we wondered around Dad called out to see if anyone was there? "Hello?" Dad stopped to look at a cloak in its case. It moved slightly. Freaky.

We looked over the balustrade to see a middle-aged African man standing in front of Kaecilius "Daniel. I see they made you Master of the Sanctum," he greeted. While Danial nodded "Do you know what that means?" Kaecilius smiled. "That you'll die protecting it," Kaecilius, Danial, and Kaeciliu's followers got in an intense fight. When one of the Zealots slashed Drum in the leg. Danial fell to his knees. As Kaecilius stabbed him, Dad jumped over the balustrade "Stop!" Kaecilius looked at him.

I walked down the stairs while Dad stayed where he was. "How long have you been at Kamar-TaJ, Mister...?" Dad corrected him "Doctor," he turned to me. "And you Mr.......?" I looked at Danial "Lily, Lily Strange," I walked down to check on Danial. I looked over his wound knowing that it was fatal. "I'm sorry we couldn't get here in time," I whispered to him. "Young one. You-," he started coughing "C-Could not have prevented this. *caugh* What you can do is protect this sanctum from falling," he coughed out to me. I nodded "Mister Doctor?" Kaecilius returned his attention to my Dad? "It's Strange," I smiled

"Maybe. Who am I to judge? " after he finished speaking he stabbed Danial again and turned on me. "Kaecilius. I know who you are. I know why your here. And I will stand in your way. Me and all the might of the Masters of the Mystic Arts!" I quickly conjured Mandela to block his attack. "Leave her alone!" I heard Dad scream. I looked over at him and saw that he was conjuring a puny weapon. Kaecilius jumped up on a wall running towards him. While a Zealot went at him on the other. I was distracted by a female Zealot attacking me. She was slicing eldritch fans at me. I was just barley dodging and blocking them. In a lucky hit I knocked her out cold. But not before she landed a couple of blows on my face.

I followed Kaecilius and my Dad. And found Kaecilius throw him through a glass case holding a cloak. The entered intense fighting where the cloak started to help Dad by blocking some of his attacks. Eventully Kaecilius knocked him over a balustrade and the Cloak went after him. Dad finally trapped Kaecilius in this metal restraint thingy-bobber. Dad rushed over to me checking me out to make sure I wasn't hurt to badly. "Are you Okay Lil?" He asked worry evident in his tone. I nodded "I'm no more hurt then you would expect," I reassured him. Kaecilius was saying some thing through the muzzle on the contraption. "What?" Dad removed the mouth piece. Kaecilius was chanting in a ancient language "Oh, stop it," Dad exclaimed "You'll die here," Dad glared at him "I said, stop it!"

"You cannot stop this, Mr. Doctor," Dad started pacing. "Stop what Kaecilius," he looked over at me "Why...look, I don't even know what "this" is," Kaecilius smiled "It's the end and the beginning. The many becoming the few, becoming the One," Dad brandished the mouth piece at Kaecilius? "Look, if you're not going to start making sense, I'm just going to have to put this thing back on," hDad was still holding the muzzle thing. And was walking toward Kaecilius."Tell me, Mr. Doctor," Dad sighed "Alright, look. My name is Dr. Stephen Strange," he looked at me. "You are a doctor? And you're his daughter?" We both nodded? "Yes," Kaecilius jumped on that point. "A scientist. You understand the laws of nature. All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out, our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension... it's a place beyond time," Dad made it even closer to him. "I'm putting this thing back on,"

I looked around and saw a ornate staff shifting around like the Cloak had been. I walked toward it's case and looked at it. The staff was a dark grey metal with a red crystal at the top and bottom as well as a red grip in the middle. I opened the case and the staff flew out and attached itself to me back. With straps that came out of nowhere. I looked over at Dad "Dad!" He looked at me and noticed the staff on my back. "How'd you get that Lily?" I shrugged "I honestly don't know it just came to me and decided to attach itself to me back," Kaecilius looked behind us "No. No, Doctor. What's funny is that you've lost your sling ring," dad looked down at his belt to find his sling ring was gone. I noticed one of the zealots coming up behind him. I saw the guy going to stab him. I jumped behind him and felt the shard of whatever it was stab me through the chest.

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