Chapter 11

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Lily's POV
"Lily! Strange! You're okay," I nodded. "I'm Okay besides you know..... being stabbed recently," I joked "A relative term, but yeah, We're okay," Dad set me down and walked around the stairs. Mordo pointed to the Cloak"The Cloak of Levitation. It came to you," Dad looked down at the cloak clasped around his shoulders. "No minor feat. It's a fickle thing," Mordo then pointed to the staff on my back "And the Staff of fénix it came to you Lily," I nodded. "The Staff as well has not had a master in some centuries and not much it's known about its origins ," I nodded. "He's escaped," Ancient One tilted her head. "Kaecilius?" Dad nodded. "Yeah. He can fold space and matter at will,"  Dad explained.

"He folds matter outside the mirror dimension? In the real world?" The Ancient One asked. Dad nodded. "Yeah," he responded as I walked over to Mordo and placed a hand on his arm. "How many more?" Dad pointed to a Hallway as he said. "Two. I stranded one in the desert," He's probably thinking about him killing someone. I sighed and walked back over to him and wrapped an arms around his chest in a hug. "And the other?" Dad returned the hug but kept me firmly place against his chest "His body was in the hall. Master Drumm was in the foyer," Mordo finally spoke up. "He's been taken back to Kamar-Taj," I nodded thinking.

"The London Sanctum has fallen. Only New York and Hong Kong remain now to shield us from the Dark Dimension," The Ancient One said. "You defended the New York Sanctum from attack. With its Master gone, it needs another, Master Strange," Dad lost it. "No. It is Dr. Strange. Not Master Strange, not Mr. Strange, Doctor Strange. When I became a doctor, I swore an oath to do no harm. And I have just killed a man! I'm not doing that again. I became a doctor to save lives, not take them," his railed. "You become a doctor to save one life above all others: your own," his laugh was humorless "Still seeing through me, are you?"he scoffed "I see what I've always seen: your over-inflated ego. You want to go back to the delusion that you can control anything, even death, which no one can control. Not even the great Doctor Stephen Strange," she replied. "Not even Dormammu? He offers immortality," She sighed shaking her head softly "It's our fear of death that gives Dormammu life. He feeds off it,"

?Like you feed on him? You talk to me about controlling death. Well, I know how you do it. I've seen the missing rituals from The Book of Cagliostro," I looked up at him as I was still held in a hug that was tightening every minute. What are you doing Dad. "Measure your next words very carefully, doctor," I bumped my nose into his chest slightly warning him. He just ignored me."Because you might not like them?" He asked sarcastically "Because you may not know of what you speak," Mordo was looking between my Dad and The Ancient One."What is he talking about?" Mordo questioned "I'm talking about her long life, the source of her immortality. She draws power from the Dark Dimension to stay alive," I looked up at him shocked and he finally let me go. "That's not true," I backed away from him and stood away from the three of them. "I've seen the rituals and worked them out. I know how you do it,"

"Once they regroup, the zealots will be back. You'll need reinforcements," the Ancient One left. Mordo stalled up to Dad "She is not who you think she is," Mordo shook his head. "You don't have the right to say that. You have no idea of the responsibility that rests upon her shoulders," I looked out the big round window as I listened to them. "No, and I don't want to know," Mordo got even closer to him. "You're a coward," Dad scoffed? "Because I'm not a killer?" Mordo nodded. "These zealots will snuff us all out, and you can muster the strength to snuff them out first?"

"What do you think I just did?" Dad asked anger rising in his voice? "You saved your own life! And then whined about it like a wounded dog," Mordo exclaimed. "When you would have done it so easily?" Mordo nodded solemnly "You have no idea the things I've done...And the answer is yes. Without hesitation," I walked in between them. "Even if there's another way?" They still argued over me? "There is no other way,"  Dad scoffed. "You lack imagination," Mordo laughed "No, Stephen. You lack a spine. They're back. We have to end this. Now! Strange! Get down here and fight!" I tapped them both on the chest "Both of you stop!" Then I heard a rumbling in the distance. "Do you hear that," they both looked toward the front of the sanctum. "They're back" We all ran toward the front door. And found Kaecilius and more zealots.

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