Chapter 13

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Author note! I'm so sorry it took so long. I've just been very busy recently. Also I won't be updating after this week as I won't have access to internet to publish but I will be able to write so hopefully on Saturday or Sunday of next week there will be at least 3 chapters published. Again I'm sorry but thank you for the votes comments and reads. Yell are the best

Lily's POV
Mordo looked over at us. "We have to end this," he jumped over the balustrade as he said "Now," Dad and I followed suit. Mordo used his boots and made Mandela that he used as leverage to jump and attack the person helping Kaecilius. "Get down here and fight!".he yelled at Dad. I jumped the steps folding into a roll to cushion my impact Kaecilius raised his hands above his head and threw the ball of energy he had been forming down as, Dad opened the mirror dimension. Kaecilius looked. "You can't affect the real world in here. Who's laughing now, asshole?" He asked snakily."I am," Kaecilius put his hands together then slowly pulled them away from each other, causing the staircase to contort. The zealot that was on Mordo was thrown off. While the zealot on me was knocked out swiftly.

I followed Mordo out the door. Dad followed us "They've got no sling ring. I mean, they can't escape, right?" I glared at him "Dad! What'd you do?!?" I screamed as the three zealots came at us."Run!!" Mordo ordered us. We stopped for a moment ti asked the situation "Their connection to the Dark Dimension makes them more powerful in the Mirror Dimension. They can't affect the real world, but they can still kill us. This wasn't clever. This was suicide!" I clapped sarcastically "Wow! Good job Dad," he glared at me. Then we resumed running, Dad started opening a portal when Kaecilius tilted the world on us. And we fell onto a bus. A man was laughing at something.

We jumped up Dad using the cloak and Mordo using the boots. Mordo noticed me and grabbed me around my waist and lifted me with him. We were followed by the Kaecilius and his zealots. Kaecilius made the building ripple causing the portal to fizzle out. He also ripped the building we were standing on apart. This time Dad caught me and held me tight. I lok,Ed around as we fell. New York was turned in on itself. We landed on a building. "This was a mistake," as he said it Kaecilius tipped our building where we could no longer hold footing. I free-fell. When we landed a hole opened up under Dad causing him to fall. Mordo and I tried to follow but the hole closed over.

There was so much going on I couldn't keep up with it all. I saw Dad get almost at usstabbed by Kaecilius. Then the Ancient One turned up and pulled us all into a arena thingy. I looked at our teacher seeing a ya boo on her forehead. I looked to Mordo "What's that symbol," I asked pointing at it. "It's true. It's a dark dimension symbol Lily. She does draw power from the Dark Dimension," he replied. Ancient One looked at us for a second then focused back at Kaecilius. "Kaecilius," she said. Kaecilius and the Ancient One started circling each other. "I came to you broken, lost, bleeding. I trusted you to be my teacher, and you fed me lies," he said. "I tried to protect you," she countered. "From the truth?" Kaecilius asked "From yourself," she stated simply.

"I have a new teacher now," she stated at him unblinking? "Dormammu deceives you You have no idea of what he truly is. His eternal life is not paradise, but torment," Kaecilius came to a stop in between his zealots. "Liar," he drew a sword that looked like a shard of glass. He attacked her. I was about to go help when Mordo held me back "What! Why won't you let me help her? She's outnumbered!" Mordo shook his head "This is her battle Lily," I sighed but relented.

Ancient One blocked a slice at her but I saw a zealot stamp her through the back. Kaecilius kicked her through a portal he made. Mordo nodded at me. Dad took hold of me and jumped tthrough the same portal following her. She crashed to the ground, falling through a glass awning. Dad rushed through the shocked crowd. Mordo just stood there in shock. Dad looked at me and I nodded. Grabbing my sling ring I opened a portal to the hospital where Dad used to work. He and Mordo followed with Dad carrying the Ancient one. He payed her down on a gunnery we found. "Christine!!" He yelled "Chrissy!!" I also called. I saw her running toward us. "No fibrillation...," Dad started to explain "It's neurogenic?" Christine finished, "Yes" Dad confirmed. I watched from the gallery while Dad started getting suited up in scrubs and gloves. He went to pick up a scalpel but noticed his hands still shook. He turned to Nic "Nic?"Nic came over. Dad held the scalpel out to him "We need to relieve the pressure on her brain," Nic nodded taking it. The heart monitor flatlined and there was a frenzy happening. Dad dropped to the floor. He's gone to the astral dimension. I reassured myself.

I opened a portal to Karma-Taj and walked through. When I was there I looked up to find Mordo thinking. I walked over to him and tapped him on the arm. I only reached his chest. He looked down "Yes Lily?" I wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug. He smiled slightly and hugged me back "Are you Okay," I whispered. He sighed "I'm not certain. I must think on the events of today for a bit," I nodded and released him.

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