Chapter Five- A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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Juliette Brenner talked in her sleep.

Peter couldn't exactly make out what she was saying, but he could see her lips moving. It might've taken someone else a bit longer to point out, considering the grainy footage, but his eyes had been on her ever since he got to the control room.

He knew he should've been sleeping, knew that he was going to be tired in the morning, but he couldn't possibly think of sleeping now, not when his body felt awake. That was what Juliette did to him, made him feel alive. From the first moment he saw her he felt that strange buzzing, that alertness in his veins that seemed to turn every single nerve ending in his body on. Even just watching her, pixelated, on a glowing screen was enough to give him that feeling. No, he couldn't possibly sleep now. But Juliette could.

He had taken her back to her assigned room after they had fled from Dr. Gross's office. He flexed his fingers, remembering the feeling of her skin underneath them. He had touched so much of her doing that physical. Her jaw, her legs, her stomach...clothed, unfortunately, but he couldn't shake the feeling of her underneath him. The way the fine muscles in her belly would clench in reaction to whatever he was doing. And then when his knuckle had brushed her breast...God, he almost died right then and there. He had no idea how he managed to control himself enough not to rip that God-damned gown off of her body. He hadn't missed the way her nipples had turned into fine peaks, hadn't missed the flush in her cheeks and the rapid heat of her body. He hadn't missed anything when it came to her. How could he when every detail about her was so...enrapturing? He wanted to know everything about her, every thought, every idea, every dream and nightmare.

He wondered if she was dreaming now, and what was getting her brain so active that she felt the need to speak. He wanted nothing more than to walk over to her room, throw open the door, and sit down beside her.

He let his eyes fall closed as he imagined what it would be like. He would walk slowly over to her unconscious body, and would perch down on the edge of the bed. He'd run his hand over the comforter till his fingers were only inches from her face. So close that he could feel her breath coasting over his skin, could feel the warmth of her.

Suddenly, his body jolted, the familiar feeling of his power coursing through his veins. Peter's eyes burst open and he gasped a little, the control room flooding back to him. He was back where he belonged. Back to the tiny chair, in the tiny room, with the wall of screens showing him Two through Sixteen as they slept. But all he could look at was the far left screen, where a girl was curled up underneath thin sheets, murmuring to herself.

He had been there...he could've sworn he had actually felt her. He looked down at his hand, his fingers twitching. He had felt her. How had he done it. He felt at his neck, at the small device that laid just underneath the thin skin there. As usual, nausea rose deep in his belly at feeling it squirm around under his touch.
Could he use his power? He hadn't used it in years. Hadn', the device made it impossible. Right?

His eyes flicked back to the sleeping Juliette. His sleeping beauty. His power had reached out to her. Maybe...maybe just maybe he could use his power on her?

His lips curved into a smile and he leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs, getting comfortable. Then he tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and got to work.

I didn't know how I got to where I was. I wasn't normally so disoriented after I woke up, but it wasn't like I could exactly blame myself, I was in a new territory. I hated waking up in a new place, hated the panic that came along after.
But I didn't remember the panic. I remembered the feeling, but I didn't remember actually doing the action of waking up and panicking.

"Okay stop it, you're acting crazy," I muttered, wrapping my arms around myself. I was still wearing my hospital gown, I doubted I'd be able to wear anything else. What a shame. The dress was doing absolutely nothing for my ass. I missed my freaking jeans.

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