Bonus Chapter

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The doctors had finally given me permission for physical exercise.

It had been about a month since we had left the hospital. And each day was getting harder and harder to stay bedridden. Well, I wasn't exactly bedridden, but I missed being able to go upstairs without needing assistance from Peter or Seven. Not that either of them minded...and I was pretty sure Peter enjoyed it, and Seven enjoyed taunting me the entire way up.

But I missed being able to reach for books on tall shelves or stretch up to paint the top part of a painting...I also severely wanted to have sex with Peter. It was like an ache that encompassed my entire body, not a single piece of me didn't feel the need for him.

And he'd tease me with it too. He'd walk out of the bathroom, shirtless, nothing but a pair of loose sweatpants on and then he'd smile at me, kiss me goodnight, and get into bed making sure to flex every muscle as he fluffed the pillows and made sure the comforter was just right.

He still kissed and hugged me, but anything sexual was off the table. I had practically begged him to let me at least go down on him but he had refused, saying there were too many things to go wrong and it would kill him if he was the cause of my reinjuring myself.

I had asked him for at least a dream then, if nothing real, and he said no once again. He said I still got "physical" when I was dreaming, getting all tense, sometimes moving my hips, so it was a no. And I was left with blue balls. I knew he had them too, he just handled it better than I did. At least he could jack off in the shower if he needed to. I couldn't even do that.

"Mommy!" a voice hollered. I looked up from my spot on the couch, where I was reading a novel with a discreet cover on the front. I had to hide all my obvious erotica from my daughter. I could get away with it when she was young, but now she had started to read and could understand the pictures and words on the front. A damn shame.

I looked up to see my daughter sprinting into the room. "Where's my backpack?"

"The superhero one or the unicorn one?"

"The superhero one!" she said, exasperated. I felt my brows raise and she sighed. "Do I look like I'm in a unicorn mood right now?"

I cocked my head. "I guess not."

Peter walked into the room then, his hands full of toys. I wanted to laugh at the sight. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined Peter holding at least ten different colored stuffed bunnies...but here we were.

"Elena, sweetheart, you can't fit all of these in your backpack."

Elena shrugged at her father. "We'll make it work."

"You have to pick one." He set them down on the loveseat next to me before walking over to me. He sat down on the arm of the chair and wrapped his own around my shoulders.

"Just one?!"

"The Han's bought you toys," I said, leaning into Peter who was sketching designs onto my arm with the pad of his finger. "You have more than enough stuffed bunnies over there."

"But not Sprinkles," she said, holding up a purple bunny who looked like it had seen better days. Sprinkles was her favorite, she'd take the damn thing everywhere. I could only wash it in the middle of the night, when she was in R.E.M sleep and I could steal it away for a wash cycle without her noticing.

"Then you should bring Sprinkles," I said.

"But what about his siblings? He's going to get lonely without them."

"Sprinkles can make new friends with the toys you have at the Han's." My breath scraped against my throat as Peter glided his fingers up my spine and into my hair, running them along the back of my neck. Goosebumps scattered across my skin and I heard him chuckle at the response.

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