Chapter Seventeen- Fire and Water

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The blinking red light of the clock was taunting me. Flashing that it had been two hours since Peter had switched the lights and emerged us in darkness. Two hours since I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep and still...nothing. I felt tired, my body still reeling from both the hypothermia and the cold, but my mind was practically buzzing.

I felt like my train of thought was not a singular thing but many fast moving trains, on tracks that kept switching and moving so that the trains collided with one another, brakes squealing, sparks flying.

I thought about my father, and why he let us stay in a cabin completely alone. I wondered if there were cameras stationed around the place in hidden locations so they could supervise us. I then thought about Peter next to me, and if the cameras would catch all the ways I looked at him when he didn't know I was. God that'd be embarrassing. I'd totally have crazed horny eyes on all the damn footage.

"I can hear you thinking, love," a voice said, breaking me out of my stream of thoughts that would most likely, inevitably, lead to a wet dream of Peter. Because everything always led back to a wet dream of Peter. They were like the one constant in my life.

"Are you using your power on me?" I asked, glancing over at him. He was turned on his back, his eyes closed, dark lashes brushing his cheekbone. His hair was splayed on his pillow around him like some kind of golden halo, the moonlight streaming through the window only adding to the glowing effect.

"No," he said, opening his eyes and looking at me. "I can just hear the gears turning in your mind." I shoved the comforter up to my neck, aware that it had fallen down and revealed the top of the nightgown to him. The nightgown that basically covered my nipples with an artfully placed lace flower. A lace flower that could easily be shifted over and reveal everything.

He suddenly reached forward and cupped my jaw, sliding his thumb up, he pulled my lip out from between my teeth. I gasped a little as his thumb skimmed my cheekbone, my mouth going dry, my entire body buzzing like a live wire.

"I thought I told you to stop," he murmured, his eyes scanning my face. They looked darker than I had ever seen them before, like the deepest part of the ocean, threatening to swallow me whole in their icy depth.

"Bad habit," I mumbled.

"Lay on your back," he suddenly said, pulling his hand away and using it to prop up his head, looking down at me.

"What?" I stammered. Was this another dream? Was I dreaming? I had to be dreaming.

"Don't make me repeat myself." His words were gentle, kind even, but his eyes sparkled as if he dared me to say anything, to challenge him.

I swallowed hard, laying down on my back like he said. I pulled the blankets up around me, half to cover myself up, half so he didn't see just how hard I was shaking underneath them.

"Good girl." He leaned closer to me, so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Close your eyes." My eyelids shut unwarranted as if they wanted nothing more than to please him. His hand was suddenly at my cheek and I flinched, ready to open my eyes, but he shushed me.

"I'm going to help you fall asleep, just relax, love."

"Can't you just give me, like, a sleeping pill or something?" I wanted to look at him, feeling his eyes wholly on me, burning holes into my body, but I forced my eyes shut. I was not going to prove him right. I was going to prove I could do this.

He chuckled, his fingers running through my hair gently making me shudder. "I promise, this is going to work so much better." And that was when I felt it, a strange buzzing in my body. My breath scraped through my throat as it felt like something inside of me was turned on, like a switch had been flipped.

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