Chapter Thirty- Revelations

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Peter and Juliette weren't talking.

Seven could only stare at the two of them. The latter sitting cross legged on the bed, gnawing down on her lip as she blinked up at Peter who was pacing the room, ashy-faced, shoulders stiff.

They hadn't talked since last night, ever since Juliette asked him something and he muttered a gruff reply and turned around, not saying anything more. Seven had watched as Juliette curled up and cried silently into her pillow. His heart absolutely breaking for her.

His feelings had certainly...changed towards Juliette. He loved her, there was no doubt about that, but it was in the way he imagined a brother would love a sister. He no longer wanted to push her up against the wall and kiss her furiously. While he still had those thoughts, the fiery red head was now replaced with an equally fiery blonde with big blue eyes and a permanent smirk on her lips.

"Should we say something?" Allison whispered, glancing over at Peter. God, she was beautiful. She was the most beautiful person alive, he was sure of it. Nobody compared. How on Earth did he get so lucky as to be living in the same time as her? He must've been really good in a past life.

"No, it's best not to get in the middle of all that tension. Might break a bone," Seven whispered back. She chuckled and his eyes fell to her glistening lips. God, it had been weeks and with every day, his urge to kiss her grew. She looked like she had soft lips, like the most glorious, luscious lips known to man. He really wanted to know if they felt like how they looked.

"We can hear you," Peter and Juliette said at the exact same time in the exact same terse tone. Their gazes snapped up to one another and then back down. Juliette's cheeks filled with color and she crossed her arms. Peter just remained pacing.

"Well can someone tell us what's going on?" Seven asked. "Because we're drowning in either sexual tension or angst over here. I can never really tell with you two. You experience a lot of both in your relationship."

"Seven," Peter sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger.

"Did something happen with Sebastian?" Allison asked. Seven swatted her arm.

"No-go territory, babe," he said. She rolled her eyes at his nickname for her, but he knew she loved it. He could tell by the way she blushed every time he said it. He threw it in as much as he could just to see it happen. He was totally head over heels, it was nauseating.

"When something bad happens, it's usually his fault." She shrugged and he nodded, he couldn't disagree.

"Well, I'm just as confused as you two are," Juliette said, staring stonily ahead.

Peter sighed sharply, looking down at her. "Juliette."

"You've kept me in the dark, Peter," she said. "But it's fine, it's not like I've given you literally everything and you still don't trust me. I thought the sex would've cracked your tough shell, but apparently not."

Peter's shoulders dropped and he sat down on the bed next to her.

"I wish we could leave," Seven whispered.

"I almost always wish that," Allison whispered back. Peter's brows drew in, his expression wounded, and he looked like he wanted to say something to Juliette, but then the door across the hall swung open and they were all on their feet.

Sebastian emerged on the other side of the bars, a smug smirk on his lips that Seven wanted nothing more than to smack off.

Peter and Juliette looked pale, both of their shoulders tense.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for you yet," Sebastian said, noticing their nervousness. "I'm actually here for you." His gaze turned on Seven and Seven felt his blood freeze in his veins.

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