Chapter Thirteen- Power Moves

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"Wait guys," I said before we all broke out into a run. "That was dramatic and great and all but I still need to get his key card and I still have a broken ankle." Eleven and Seven turned from where they had dashed to the door.

"Ugh, don't make me walk back," Seven said, sighing heavily. "That was so badass what we just did and now you're going to ruin the moment."

"Oh I'm so sorry I'm ruining your street cred, Seven," I said, glaring at him. "My bad."

"Yeah damn straight it's your bad," he grumbled, stalking over to me. "Okay, snap those fingers and toast the motherfucker already."

"Toast the..." I gaped at him. "I'm not burning him, I'm burning the wire to his keycard."
Seven looked down at Peter with a downtrodden expression. "How boring."

"We promised not to hurt him," Eleven said, creeping up to my side and wrapping her arms around my waist. I smiled down at her, stroking at her hair. Well more like...coasting over her hair, because there wasn't much to run my fingers through.

"And we won't," I said, giving her a smile before giving a pointed look at Seven, who merely raised his hands in a "what did I do?" gesture.

I let go of El and slowly sank down into a crouch, careful not to move my ankle which was already pulsing due to the unnecessary movement it went through with the kiss. Oh God...the kiss. I could still feel the sensation of Peter's lips on mine, could feel the way his body felt underneath my fingertips. Hard and thrumming with life and in the moment...all mine. Now...he was crumpled to the floor in a position that would leave wrinkles in his uniform.

"Juliette, I'm sorry girl, but we don't have time to watch you eye-fuck him all day," Seven said, interrupting my train of thought.

I swung my head around to give him a poisoned look. "I wasn't eyefucking him." I turned back to Peter. "I just feel like we should move him."

Seven let out a noise of distaste. "The fucker helped to keep us imprisoned, tortures you on a daily basis, and works for your father. I'd say he deserved to spend a little time on a public restroom floor, don't you?"

I reached out and moved the hair out of his face. I had never seen him sleep before, and he looked a lot younger than what I was used to. All the harsh points of tension on his face were relaxed, smoothed out by unconsciousness. His eyelashes brushed his cheekbones and his lips were slightly parted. He reminded me of Sleeping Beauty.

"You're right," I said, letting go of his hair. Seven was right, and there was a part of me that agreed with him, but another part that I didn't want to come to terms with, wanted to beg El to wake him up just so I could apologize. Just so I could let him know I was sorry and I wished I could've done anything but steal that kiss away from him.

I reached down for his belt and grabbed at the little circle thing that held his keycard. I tugged on the card, running my thumb over the picture of grumpy-Peter, smiling inwardly at the sight. Once the wire was unveiled, I pressed my thumb and pointer finger over it, closing my eyes.

I reached into that well of power inside of me, willing it to bend to my control. And thankfully, ever since that wretched hallway attack, it had been more than willing to answer to me.

I grabbed a tendril of flame and latched onto it. Soon, I could smell burning and I looked down to see that smoke was rising from the wire. A second later, the thing snapped in half, leaving only a burnt stub behind. The wire left a black mark on Peter's pants and I winced. Now I was wrinkling and staining his uniform. God help me.

I stood, the keycard now in hand. "Ta-da." I waved the thing proudly. I honestly wasn't fully expecting that little trick to work. If worse came to worst, I would've gnawed at the damn thing until the keycard came loose.

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