Chapter Thirty Three- The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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"Do you hear that?"


"The screaming?"

I stared at Peter for a moment, confused, until I heard it too. It came from somewhere beyond the door, echoing eerily, muffled, but still piercing and blood curdling. It wasn't a shriek of joy or a laughing scream. It was a painful one. A horrified one. One full of pure agony and terror.

"I have to-"

I grabbed Peter's arm before he could reach the door. "You're not going alone."

"Love, you're pregnant," he said, his eyes wide. Fearful. He looked scared. "I'm not letting you go."

"Right you're not letting me do anything," I said, dropping his arm. "I'm going with you. Did you forget that I'm the one without soteria in my neck?" I raised a brow at him and he sighed, dropping his head.

"It's not safe, Juliette."

"Nothing about our lives is safe." I shrugged, peeling my hospital gown off of my body. I went over to the suitcase stashed in the corner and put it on his bed, opening it. I grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants and slid them on.

At his questioning look I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not about to waltz into the face of danger without pants on."

He shook his head, trying to fight a smile. "Priorities," he mumbled.

He opened the door slowly and poked his head out. Once he determined that the coast was clear he opened up the door wider and we both slid out.

My heart pounded against my collarbone, fierce and loud. My eyes scanned the empty hallway. There was nothing here, but that didn't mean it was safe. The lab was a vast maze of halls and corridors. Maybe the carnage was just a couple feet away from us. Not that I was expecting there to be carnage. Actually, I was really hoping there wouldn't be any carnage. Because that would suck. Big time.

Peter laced his fingers with mine and together we walked down the halls. The cold linoleum stung at the soles of my bare feet and I wished I had put on socks or shoes. God, I missed my converse. That was one of the things I'd be looking forward to when we left. Actual shoes.

My hands were starting to shake as we turned the corner. It was eerily silent and I felt on edge, waiting for another scream or for someone to dart out with their head chopped off or blood covering them.

God, I needed to stop letting my imagination run wild. It was terrifying.

My fingers were clammy around Peters, but he didn't drop them, only held me tighter. "If there's any kind of danger, any kind, I want you to run."

I rolled my eyes. "Peter, we just talked about this."

"You do realize I have to worry about two of you now, right? And I thought one of you was a handful."

"Well gee, with that charm, I'm certainly going to do whatever you say." I glared at him and he sighed, tugging me along down another hallway, his shoulders rigid, eyes darting around, waiting for something to jump out at him. He didn't have his powers, but I still felt safe in his presence. Safe enough that I wasn't going to listen to him and sprint in the other direction when things went wrong.

"Also, you seem to forget that I can turn whoever I want into a human smore whenever I want to," I said, looking up at him.

He let out a weak laugh. "I didn't forget that, it's one of your more amiable traits." He nudged my arm with his, grinning, and I sighed, some of the tension uncoiling itself inside my chest.

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