Chapter Thirty Four- Domestic Life

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Six Years Later...

"And can anyone explain to me what period this period of art is from?" I asked, gesturing to the whiteboard, where I had projected an image of Lady Lilith by Dante Gabriel Rosetti, which depicted an almost somber looking woman combing her hair, gazing into a mirror, dressed and surrounded with finery.

"Um...baroque?" Tommy, (probably future valedictorian) in the first row answered.

I cocked my head to the side. "I think that's a musical period." Tommy frowned, slamming his palm into his desk and I tried not to smile, thankfully, five years of teaching kept my poker face in check. "But it was a great try, Tommy, really close. Anyone else?"

A girl in the back with fiery red hair and headphones seemingly permanently attached to her ears, raised her hand, warily, and I was about to call on her when Lucas's hand shot upwards. "It's from the romantic period."

"Yes, Mr. Sinclair, thank you," I said, offering him a smile. He beamed back at me. Despite his desperate want to be a star-athlete, the kid was stellar in the classroom.

I heard snickering in the back and raised a brow at Jason Carver and his group of basketball players. They were laughing at Lucas for answering the question correctly. I saw Lucas drop his head, cupping at the back of his neck.

Damn jocks. Why did there have to be a stereotype that they couldn't be smart too?

"Do you know what this painting is called, Mr. Carver?" I asked, crossing my arms, giving them my best "don't fuck with me" smile. God, I loved teaching.

Jason's face went red and he opened his mouth then closed it, looking down at his hands. "No, Ms. Ballard, I don't."

"Maybe you can have Lucas give you his notes so you can study," I said, giving him a sweet smile. I turned to face the rest of the class. "Can anyone tell me what this piece is called?"

"Lady Lilith," Eddie Munson said from the back. I felt my brows raise. I hadn't even known he was paying attention. "Lilith, the she-demon, ruler of hell, deeply misunderstood and criticized by society."

There were collective groans throughout the class and the basketball players in their corner openly glared at him. Everyone knew Eddie was obsessed with all things demonic and evil considering he was head of the Hellfire club, which I was pretty sure was the dungeons and dragons club. I was their teacher club sponsor, but I didn't attend any of the meetings, just checked in every now and then to make sure they weren't like...sacrificing innocent goats in the name of Satan, or whatever D and D kids did.

"You're right," I said, nodding. "Though I'm not sure the queen of hell is depicted here. I think they just have the same name."

Eddie shrugged. "How do you know it's not her?"

"True, art is up to interpretation." The bell suddenly rang and the kids jolted up, swinging their backpacks onto their shoulders, already sprinting for the door. I didn't blame them, I wanted to race to my own car and get spring break started as soon as possible.

"Everyone remember that your projects are due the Monday we come back!" I hollered after them. Some of them, my favorites, wished me a good spring break, others waved, some just ignored me and fled. The last group certainly wouldn't be given extra credit any time soon.

The girl who had raised her hand before was halfway to the door when I called out her name. She turned to me, her big blue eyes looking at me but not really looking. They hadn't this entire school year.

"Hi, Max," I said, smiling at her, tucking my cardigan tight around myself. It was...weird, knowing what I knew about her. When she transferred to Hawkins middle I had had a near stroke at the news. But she wasn't in my class so I never really interacted with her, then she decided to take ap art history and I nearly lost my shit. But I treated her like any other student. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Blurt that she was my long lost half sister and we shared a mom?

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