Chapter Twenty Eight- A touch of Madness

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Peter jerked up so quickly he felt like he should've given himself whiplash.

How was that real?

How did he and Juliette know each other and he had no idea? This entire time, they'd known each other. This. Whole. Time.

Brenner erased his memories, had messed around in his head, picking and choosing what parts of his life he wanted to keep and discard.

Peter felt like he was going to be sick. His skin felt tight and hot and a light sheen of sweat was sticking to his skin. He could still feel the serum coursing through his veins, like dead weight, making him feel heavy. But that feeling left him with a physical reminder of what happened. Let the anger fester inside of him like a disease until he could feel nothing but his anger.

His power pulsed against his skin, thrashing, raging, begging for him to break. To hurt. To kill.

Peter was out of his seat in mere seconds.

He surged towards Sebastian, who was scribbling something down in his notepad and grabbed him by the throat. The notepad and pencil went flying and he heard the thing snap under his foot. He wished it had been the doctor's spine instead.

Sebastian's eyes went wide as he clawed at Peter's hand, desperate, but Peter wasn't going to let him go anytime soon. No. He was going to take pleasure in seeing the fear in his eyes, in hearing the pained whimpers leaving his lips, in seeing his face go red from blood and lack of oxygen.

He was going to end him.

Peter slammed Sebastian into the wall so hard he heard the doctor's head audibly smack into it. The man's eyes filled with tears, a vein pulsing in his forehead. Peter wished he could stop the very blood flowing in his veins.

"That wasn't real," Peter said. The doctor whimpered and Peter shoved him forward and backwards again, making him cry out in pain. "Tell me that wasn't real."

"Can't handle it?" Sebastian asked. "Not as strong as we all thought you were, huh?" He let out a strained laugh. Peter merely tightened his fingers and Sebastian wheezed.

He could hear footsteps and shouting behind him and he didn't even look at the guns he knew were pointed at his back. "Shoot me and the bullets hit him." Sebastian grimaced. "Shouldn't they know that?" He cocked his head. "I thought you said you were all so much smarter than us."

Malicious delight made his fingers tighten, crushing his trachea. "You know how many times I've imagined breaking your bones? I only stopped because Juliette cared about you." He let out a sharp laugh. "Good to know that issue's resolved."

"Maybe I should tell her what you did." Sebastian's words barely made it through his tight throat. And Peter could barely hear them through the rage roaring through his head. "Then she'd come running right back to me. She always needs some man taking care of her. Like some kind of whore."

Peter saw red.

His hand tightened so much that Sebastian's eyes rolled into the back of his head. "I am going to bring you to the brink of death and then let her burn you alive so you die screaming."

"Maybe you should check on her first," Sebastian gritted out.

Alarm flared through Peter and he turned to see Juliette was red-faced, struggling against a guard that had a gun pressed to her temple. Her cheeks were shiny with tears and she was staring at Peter wide-eyed and gasping, in a mix of awe and horror.

"They'll kill her on my command," Sebastian said now that Peter's grip had loosened in shock.

"You wouldn't."

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