Authors Note

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WE DID IT!! I literally cannot believe I wrote a whole ass Vecna fanfic lmaoo. I never thought I'd do this but here we are, 235,000 words later... (PS: Did you guys know we're like one of the longest Peter fanfics out there? Like on a03, I have the most words lol. It's so crazy!)

Okay, let's be real for a sec. I mean, I have been writing fanfiction for like the longest time, ever since 2018 when I watched The Force Awakens and my Kylo Ren obsession started. But anyways, I've been writing it for a while, and have always posted it here. And yes, I've gotten interactions and people have read my work, but never have I ever gotten as much love as I have had with He Who Controls the Flame.

Seriously, you guys are amazing and to everyone that read, commented, voted, or watched my corny tiktoks promoting my fic...I am literally in love with you. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one obsessed with the dark villains and am also not alone in believing that a girl can bring out the best in them and redeem them in a cute and angsty 200k slowburn lol.

But you may be thinking: "All right, Ava, this is sweet and cute and all, but what's next??" Well, my fanfiction will stay up till the end of time lol. But for the time being, I think I'm going to be working on *gasp* a real book? I've written a real novel in the past and am trying to do it again, and hopefully one day get published. I know it's a hard goal but I seriously love writing and it's my dream to become a published author.

But now I'm getting off topic. So, season 5 has yet to come out yet, and I can't say what will happen when it does. I know the epilogue ended with a cliffhanger and after season 5, I could decide to run with it and post more chapters following the new season, continuing the story. But if I don't, I'm also happy knowing that this story has a whole arc and is good the way it is.

So, yes, things are kind of up in the air at the moment, but who knows, Juliette and Peter's story might not be quite finished yet...

Anyways, thank you so, so much for reading and if you've made it all the way to the end, give yourself a pat on the back because we've been through so much together. Seriously, this thing was so angsty and dramatic I'm surprised I didn't give you all heart attacks from all the twists and turns and shit lmao.

Until next time, friends:)

OH WAIT!! There will be a bonus chapter uploaded soon! So be on the look out for that, should be uploaded in a couple days!!
-Ava out.

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