Chapter Twenty Three- All I'd do for you

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Warning: Mentions of r*pe and SA

This party sucked.

I wasn't much of a partier, considering I found that whenever I was invited, I'd have an ap physics test, or an apush test, or an ap lang test to study for for the next day. Or I'd come home after volunteering at an all day track meet and be absolutely exhausted and just shower and crash on my bed. Then I'd go to school the next day and hear that it was the "part of the year" and "everyone was there."

Well "everyone" could go fail their physics tests, because I aced them all. Which I knew made me a nerd, but this nerd was going to get into UCLA, I was sure of it. I could already practically feel the California sun beating down on my skin, could already imagine myself taking a trip to the beach with a group of friends, and getting a tan for the first time in my life. Hawkins was great for some things, but it certainly wasn't in the tanning department.

"Hey, hot stuff," a voice said. I turned to see Eddie leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, a smile tilting his lips upwards.

"Aren't you a little young to be here, Munson?" I asked, walking over to him. We were currently in the kitchen of the big mansion of one of the football players. I didn't even know his name, only that Robbie was a friend of his and I was only invited as a "plus one." Not that I cared, I was getting free jello shots.

"Trust me, I don't want to be here with all these..." he trailed off, his upper lip curling as he gazed around the room.

"Freaks?" I supplied, raising my brows.

He pointed a finger at me. "Exactly. I'm only here because a friend of mine from the Hellfire Club wants to make a move on some cheerleader."

"Fun," I said, taking a swig of my beer. I gagged a little as it went down, but it made me feel all floaty and buzzed, so I kept drinking.

"I know right, who would ever want to get with a cheerleader?"

"Weren't you just talking to me about that Chrissy girl? Isn't she a cheerleader?" He scowled at me and I whistled. "Alrighty then. Someone's feeling awfully judgmental tonight."

He chuckled. "Popular people make me judgmental. Speaking of, why are you here? Last I checked, you didn't fit in with these airheads, Brenner."

I laughed. "You're right, I've snuck in to observe the strange and intriguing homo sapiens at the top of the high school food chain for a research paper."

Eddie shrugged. "Sounds like you."

I laughed. "Does it? Ugh, that's sad."

"I think it'd be cool. Totally UCLA material."

"You think?" I tapped my chin with my index finger. "Maybe I should reconsider what I write my essay on then."

Eddie glanced at me. "You know, I think it's bad to see my esteemed tutor who was recommended by half the school board drunk."

I leaned against the counter, watching someone from the track team shotgun a beer. God, they were not going to be happy at practice tomorrow.

"I'm not drunk," I said, pointing a finger at him. "I am tipsy. Big difference."

"Sure you are, Brenner," he said, laughing as he shook his head.

Suddenly hands were wrapping around my waist and a pair of lips were pressed to my neck. I let out a squeal as the person bit down on the delicate skin there.

"Why are you hiding in here?" Robbie asked in my ear. He smelt like beer and the heavy cologne he always wore.

"I'm not hiding," I said. "I'm talking to..." My words trailed off as I saw that the spot Eddie had been taking up was now empty. My stomach fell as I glanced around, seeing no sight of him. Poor Eddie. Robbie must've scared him off. I didn't blame him, Robbie was the most popular guy in school, and Eddie was more likely to get bullied by someone like him then be accepted by him.

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