Chapter Twenty Five- Coming Out of Hiding

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"If you keep doing that, you're going to burn holes in her back," Seven said, propping his chin on his hand, eyes steadfast on me, wide and blinking.

"I think that's what she wants to happen," I heard Eleven say. I scowled, turning over to mock-glare at her. She giggled, shrugging, before enthusiastically digging into her soup just to avoid my pensive stare. Ugh, she was becoming just like Seven.

"I am not trying to burn her," I said.

"Your ripped up roll says differently," Seven sing-songed in my ear. I threw some of the shredded pieces at him and he cursed, jumping back. "They're in my hair you ass!" He groaned, reaching up to run his hands over his head.

"That's literally impossible, Sev." I raised a brow at him, eyeing his buzz cut, and his lips pressed into a thin line as his gaze withered.

He pointed a finger at me. "Foul. That was foul." He plucked a piece out and threw it at me. "There's enough there for bread to get lost in, you monster."

"Yeah, barely."

"Strike two," he said, shaking his head. "You don't want to know what happens when you hit three, Jules."

I raised my brows. "I don't?"

He shook his head slowly, his gaze dark enough to kill.

I snorted, turning back to the object of all this hatred brewing inside of me. "I mean, maybe if I burned her she'd do something other than smile."

Seven groaned, leaning back on his bench. "Do you hear this? Are you hearing this, Eleven?"

Eleven merely shrugged. "I'm...I'm Switzer...Swtizer..."

"Switzerland?" I supplied.

Her brows furrowed. "Is that the neutral one?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I don't want to tell you because then you're not going to pick my side."

"Yes, my dear girl," Seven said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Switzerland was the neutral country during World War Two."

She smiled. "Then I'm that."

I flicked a piece of bread at her too. "Traitor."

"Seriously, Jules, stop being so jealous. She's an Orderly, Peter's just training her. It's no biggie."

"No biggie?!" I slammed my hands against the table and everyone within a couple feet of us all glanced over at me, their eyes wide. I felt myself blush and I ducked my head, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"They've been 'training' for a week. Is she that much of a dumbass that she needs a week to know how to handle taking children from room to room and how to wipe my fathers ass? Because that's literally all the Orderlies do."

"Alrighty, someone needs an intervention," Seven said, patting my back, shooting a look at Eleven.

"I saw that."

"Really? Wow, didn't think you'd be able to see through all that red in your vision."

I groaned, dropping my head onto the table, but it didn't last long. Soon I was peeking upwards to see that that girl, Allison, was laughing at something Peter said. The two of them were standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, keeping watch of the children. But they weren't doing much watching. They were talking and laughing. That's right, I saw Peter crack a grin. Peter motherfucking Ballard. The world was ending.

"That's such a fake laugh," I said. "Do you see that? Why is her body moving that much?

"That's one thing I'll agree with you on," Seven said, draining the water from his cup. "No man is ever that funny."

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