01: The Chosen Five

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A few months later..
   The Packs returned to the next meeting, bringing the pups they had chosen with them.
   Storm Pack was first- yet again. However, surprisingly, Earth and River Pack came early with Sun Pack.
   SunRay greeted the wolves, and Melody did too. She looked confident, and you could easily tell that she had been chosen for Sun Pack.
  Moon Pack showed up, and they went to their spots. Storm Pack greeted them. 
  Fire Pack, like normal, was running late.
Current and Splash wagged their tails in a greeting.
   "Our Meeting shall start!" Moonrise announces.As Moonrise announced the beginning of the meeting, Fire Pack showed up. Vine growled something about Fire Pack under her breath.
  Melody sat nervously by her mother's side. She looked around for the other four chosen pups.
  Moonrise turned to Blazer- the Alpha of Fire Pack- "Who did you choose?"
Blazer flicked his tail, signaling a male wolf. The blood red wolf walked into the clearing. "Blitzer." He said, almost proudly. Blitzer's coat was blood-red and he had pale green eyes. He had scars on his back left thigh, front left leg, back right leg, and down his neck. His paws were orange and his tail end was white.
  Raven sat, perched in a tree. Lichen wasn't here so it made the experience harder for her. She longed for night to come so she could meet him again.
  Blitzer held his smile back. "Mmm okay." Windracer said. Melody's golden brown fur glistened in the sunlight, her eyes made her look even more unique.
   "I have chosen my daughter, Melody." SunRay announces, giving her a lick on the head. "Seems like a great choice!" Breeze complemented. "Thank you." She responds. Then, Breeze murmured, "A better choice than what Storm Pack choose. Obviously."
   Moonrise lifted her chin, "Moon Pack has elected Midnight. Midnight, would you please come out?" Midnight slowly walked into the clearing. Midnight was a black he-wolf with specks of silver on his coat. His eyes were light grey and his tail faded from black to white. Black, dark gray, gray, light gray, white. His paws were white and his head was dark gray, not black. He had a scar zigzagging down his neck, and he had a scar close to his left eye. He had no royal markings, and his underbelly was white.
   Melody wags her tail in a greeting, her ears twitched with excitement.
   "Good choice!" Moss congratulated Moon Pack.  "Thank you." Moonlight said.
"We have chosen one of our pups," Windracer said, "Twilight, come now." He ordered.
   Melody recognized the she-wolf, and waved to her. Twilight limped into the clearing, her features were easy to see in the sunlight.
  Current was twitching nervously. "Why did we choose a hybrid.." Vine grumbled.
   Twilight waved at Melody. Blazer's ears perked up. Melody smiled back friendly.

   Raven wished to stay in the tree for the rest of her life until everyone left. She didn't like to be around wolves- except for Lichen. She was a freak of a wolf after all.
  Twilight smiled back to Melody, and almost limped over to her, but held back.
    "Raven!" Splash called out to the tree. Raven shuddered. "Raven.." Blazer mumbled under his breath. She climbed down gracefully from the tree, sitting away from everyone. You could tell that she was a hybrid.
   Twilight limped over to Raven. Melody follows, leaving her mother's side. Blitzer seemed to scowl. "What's wrong with a hybrid?" Melody asks him. "Nothing." He muttered, looking away.
    "Their blood is impure!" SunRay repeats to her, "How many times must I tell you!"
    Midnight walked over to them. Raven moved a few paw steps back into the shadows. She had heard this phrase many times. Vine hisses at Raven.
   Twilight spoke up, "I'm half blind, I lost an eye. I always limp. I am hated at our dens. A hybrid isn't bad, it's not her fault that she is one." Melody nodded. Windracer and Breeze didn't even notice the fact that there was a hybrid.
    "Haven't you heard the tales of when a hybrid is near? They bring Death Pack wherever they go!" Vine retorts before SunRay could speak.
   Blazer and Cinder walked over to Storm Pack and began to chat.
   Moss stepped on Vine's tail.
  "I have!" Twilight snapped.
  "Don't talk to your elders like that." Current spoke, his voice was deep and ancient like Splash's voice.
   "Stop this this instant!" Moonrise yelled. Twilight shrank back.
   "Thank you, Moonrise." Moss thanked the Moon Pack leader. Moonrise mouthed a "no problem." SunRay kept quiet, thoughts were whirling around her head.
  SunRay got up, and nuzzled Melody, "This is that last time you will be with me.. Come visit me often, will you?" Melody nodded.
  Raven jumped back into the tree, she felt as though there were too many eyes on her. Twilight disappeared into the shadows.
   "Well, the Pack Meeting is over. Good luck to the pups!" Splash announces.
   The Pack Leaders walked back to their packs, soon, the clearing was almost completely empty.


    Raven lead the way up a path to a cave, "We can stay here tonight." She suggests
   "Alright." Twilight nodded.
    Melody tried to talk to Raven, but she had already curled herself up into a ball. Raven was waiting for dusk, when Lichen's ghost would come to her.

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