21: Glimpse

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A few minutes later...
Melody was about to sit next to Midnight and Raven as Raven began to tell her 'adventure'.
Everyone's faces were a mix of knowing, surprise, and understanding. Then she heard talking in the background and wingbeats. No one else seemed to hear it, so it was probably just her.
Either way, she interrupted Raven just as she got to the part about her meeting up with Lichen, "Uhm sorry to interrupt, but I just need to check on something. I'll be back in a minute or two."
Raven nodded, before turning back to the others. She looked like she was enjoying herself. Probably because this time wolves were listening to her instead of just thinking she's crazy or 'just a hybrid'.

Melody trotted outside of their cave. The sunlight lit up her golden coat, and her purple eyes and ruby Royal Markings shone in its light.
The sunlight was just begging to be used by Melody's talented paws.
"Not yet," Melody thought.
Melody could no longer hear the others talking, but the talking of the others was carried to her ears.

"I don't think we're aloud to be this far away from the Dragon Cities, Autumn. Just think, what would happen if we were caught?" A voice that sounded a lot like a dragon's said.
Melody didn't even want to know why she could understand him. There were only two figures in the woods.
"Oh Wisp, stop being so over dramatic. Why don't you do me a favor and go tell Bear and Ash and the others that I've gone off on an errand?" A she-wolf named Autumn that sounded rather familiar told the dragon.
The dragon huffed, and soon Melody heard wingbeats. She gazed up in awe as she saw a grayish-white dragon soar up into the sky. Most dragons were different shades of red, but this one was different. As the dragon faded into just a silhouette, Melody turned her attention back to the wolf.

Melody's mind was a few paw steps ahead of her, chanting, friend, friend, friend! She didn't even realize that she had just stepped on a twig and revealed herself to the new wolf.
A muffled gasp came from the wolf. She had Melody's golden to fading light brown coat, with ruby eyes and her Sun Pack Royal Markings were a peach color. She wore a beautiful flower necklace consisting of red, orange, and pink roses.
Melody stumbled back, blurting, "You shouldn't be here.. I saw you.. I saw that dragon- You're supposed to be dead!"
The wolf said something Melody couldn't understand. Her ears were laid back against her head, and she slowly backed up against a tree. Her tail was tucked rather neatly -considering the state she was in- between her legs.
Melody's head was spinning. Her siblings had died, she had watched the scene. There was no way.. The memory of that terrible day replayed in her head, but this time she saw her four other siblings alive in the she-dragon's talons.
"Sunlight..?" Melody said, sounding out her sister's name from her memory.
Melody carefully took another step closer, "I'm your sister, Melody. Don't you remember me?"
All that Sunlight-Autumn responded was, "Bear was right.. I should of believed him. I should of believed him.."
She picked up a bundle of berries and flowers before taking off her necklace. As soon as it hit the floor, Melody was hit with a bunch of emotions. Worry, dread, fear, and curiosity hovered around her, making poor Melody feel dizzy -to the point where she collapsed on the soft earth-y grass.
Sunlight-Autumn picked up her necklace and draped it over her neck. It's sweet aroma covered up her radiating emotions.
"She has strange powers too.." Melody thought in a daze as the she-wolf draped herself in a beam of sunlight and bolted away on it's bright path it made.

Melody made it back by night, scraping up whatever remained of her lost sibling as if it might bring her back.
She tried to follow Sunlight-Autumn and that strange-but-somehow-handsome-grayish-white dragon named Wisp. Sadly, they retreated back to the Dragon Cities, where Melody had no idea on how to get in.
Once Melody entered the cave, she saw Raven sleeping beside Melody's sleeping spot, but somewhat closer to the cave's entrance.
Twilight and Blitzer were sleeping together as normal. Melody still didn't understand how they could just express their feelings about each other without not being concerned about the scorn they'd receive from Storm Pack and Fire Pack. Melody squinted closer at Blitzer's sleeping figure. He had Fire Pack's Royal Markings under his eyes. Small but dangerous flames were expressed under his eyes. He must've received them from Heaven Pack during the night.
Melody couldn't see where Midnight was, his black coat made it almost impossible to tell where he was.
Raven yawned before gasping at Melody, "Where have you been?" She exclaimed in a whisper, "I wanted to look for you, but Twilight insisted that I'd stay here saying that 'Melody will come back like Blitzer did'. I knew you weren't going to run away back to your Pack to 'recover' like Blitzer had, but like what in the name of the Ones Bellow was a move like that?!"
"I'm sorry, I just- I...I... I needed some space to plan," Melody lied.
Almost immediately, her mind came up with a plan on how to ambush the Dragon King.
It was quickly squashed once Raven told her, "While you were gone, we came up with a plan. Since you ran off though, I'm not going to tell you until tomorrow."
Melody nodded, she kinda did deserve that. She had seen one of her siblings and her sibling's friend- A strangely colored dragon named Wisp.

Melody trotted over to a spot, but Raven called over to her from her half asleep form,"Don't sleep on that, it's Midnight!"
She giggled, and moved over two paw steps to the side and collapsed on the soft leaves Raven had grown.
Her weariness caught up with her, and right before Melody fell asleep, she thought, "Will I ever get to see my siblings again, or were we truly not meant to be one family?"

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