11: Blizter x Twilight?

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A few minutes earlier..
Twilight's eyes fluttered open, until she was wide awake.
"You're finally awake.." Blitzer murmured.
Twilight looked up at Blitzer, "Yes, I am."
She then looked at Raven, then back at Blitzer, "I was actually half awake the whole time," Twilight admits.
"You were?"
"Yes, I was"
"Well... I guess you'll want to know Blazer's plan." Blitzer's ear twitched nervously.
"Well yes, I do" Twilight agreed.
Blitzer looked straight into Twilight's eye. He sighed, "I'll tell you, but please don't tell anyone else...I love you, and that's the reason for why I'll tell you."
Twilight nodded, agreeing.

When Blitzer finished, Twilight's eye widened,
"I won't tell anyone" she promised. Blitzer nodded gratefully.
Twilight's gaze drifted towards the cave entrance. She watched Melody and Midnight walk into the cave. She turned to Blitzer.
His eyes were full of emotions, emotions that she couldn't tell. She started talking to he-wolf, about more simple stuff.
"Welcome back!" Raven greeted Melody and Midnight.
Twilight saw, from the corner of her eye, Melody nodded a greeting and her ears twitched.
Twilight looked deeply into Blitzer's dark eyes.
Blitzer turned away.
Twilight's head turned until she saw the party. Melody took a seat between Midnight the Raven,
"So....any plans yet?" She asked.
Midnight shook his head,
"No," the he-wolf replied, "We don't even know Blazer's plans."
"Well, we can start in Sun Pack territory, because we know that is where they'll be invading first." Raven suggested.
"And how do you know?" Midnight asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Melody told me yesterday!" Raven answers enthusiastically.
Twilight got up on her three paws, then limped towards the wolves, leaving Blitzer alone.
Midnight raised his head, "Does anyone, other than Blitzer, know Blazer's other plans?"
Raven glanced at Twilight, she froze. Melody sat up straighter.
"Do you know anything, Twilight?" Midnight asked, getting up and moving towards her. Twilight felt worry strike her, she couldn't tell them....
"Maybe she doesn't want to tell us.." Melody suggested.
"We have to know Blazer's plans, and Blitzer won't tell. I'm just asking Twilight if she knows. If we do know Blazer's plans, then it'll help us stop Fire Pack." Midnight said. He took his gaze off of Twilight and it drifted towards Blitzer as he spoke.
"Melody! Think of your pack! Think of just how many wolves will die if he won't tell us!" Raven added, before realizing that she said it a bit too sharply.
Melody nodded, a bit startled by Raven, "I understand, but I don't think Twilight knows."
Raven shrank down, laying her ears on her head in submission preparing herself for the yell that would come at her, "Sorry I didn't mean to say that.."
"It's fine Raven, you both are right." Melody reassured her, then turned to Midnight when she said 'both'.
"I do know.." Twilight whispered, barely audible. "I just can't tell you..." Twilight stared at her paws. Her thoughts were racing, she just couldn't...
Midnight glanced at Raven and Melody, then turned to Twilight, "Why can't you tell us?" He asked, a hint of anger in his tone.
Melody's eyes widened, but she tried to not show it. Twilight didn't answer. She just stood there, staring at her paws. Her thoughts were racing.
"You don't have to tell us," Melody told her, though she really wanted to know. They could find another way to get the information.
Midnight's fur bristled. "First Blitzer knows and he won't tell us. Now you know and you won't tell us? Are you working with Fire Pack? How do you even know!" He asked.
"Midnight, relax.." Melody murmured.
Twilight flinched, "I..." she started, her voice trailed off. "I..." she tried again, failing. She glanced at Blitzer. She couldn't break her promise to him, could she? Twilight stared back at the ground. "I.... I'm not working with Fire Pack. Blitzer told me Blazer's plans.. that's how I know.."
Melody walked toward Twilight, "If she doesn't want to tell us, she doesn't have to."
Midnight glared at Twilight, then stalked off.
"He'll get over it." Melody told Twilight before joining Raven again.
Twilight didn't say anything, she just blinked.

"I am going to give Midnight some time alone- so don't even think about convincing me to go to him!" Melody told Raven, a glint of playfulness in her eyes.
"Wasn't thinking of it." Raven responds.
"You've been a bit out of it.." She adds.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just have a headache." Melody began.
"I can go grab something to help with that, if you want." Raven says.
Melody nodded, "Thanks, I'll find a way to make up for that!"
"Just don't run away again, that'll be enough for me." Raven jokes, before trotting off to grab a leaf from the tree she sat under.

"Maybe I can go grab something for Twilight," She thought, as she neared the cave, "She'll probably need something too."
Raven shook her head, almost tossing her leaf off her head, "I shouldn't both them." She mumbled to herself.
Raven heard Twilight and Blitzer talking as she walked by. The words surprised her.

"Blitzer.." Twilight started.
"Is this about Blazer's plans?" Blitzer asked.
Twilight nods.
"Well.... Blazer has planned to attack Sun Pack, which you know. They're planning to set a fire, to wipe out the pack and their territory. Then there is Storm Pack. Blazer and Windracer were friends when they were younger.. I'm mostly sure that Blazer might convince Windracer his side. I also REMEMBER the plan of Fire Pack setting the other territories on Fire. Blazer wants Fire pack to be the only one left.... I'm sure he'll do almost anything to wipe out the other packs. He won't even listen to the Ones Above, he is allied with the One Bellow. And they all are like best friends." Blitzer mumbled.

Raven gasped, giving herself away. She dropped her satchel.

"Blitzer... I'm saying maybe we should tell the-" Twilight started. "No!" Blitzer interrupted her, "We-" he wiped around towards Raven's gasp.
Blitzer stalked over towards Raven, "You were spying on us?"
"How could you!" He adds.
"No! I was walking by to grab a leaf to help with Melody's headaches!" She protests, her heart racing with what she had just heard.
Twilight froze, she crouched down awkwardly.
"Then why did you stay?!" Blitzer demanded.
"I didnt mean to listen but-but why how what?!" The memories of the dragon killing Lichen played on repeat in her head.
The memories of being banished- all the wolves in Earth and River Pack.. They weren't all bad, they didn't deserve that.
Blitzer murmured something about hybrids under his breath. Then he said, "I didn't anyone else to know. I can't believe that you decided to spy on us. If you tell anyone else about this," he threatened, "I'll tell Fire Pack."
"I didn't spy!" Raven protests again, "Go ahead, tell them!" She shouted, her eyes welling with tears.
"Alright." Blitzer said, cantering away.
"I can't- this is so stupid! I'm just a stupid hybrid, in this stupid place, out of the stupid place!" Raven cried, curling into a tight ball.
"You are not!" Twilight walked over to her.

The moon rose to the sky, casting a light on Raven. Instead of giving her strength it brought he to a place- a place where she felt safe. It then carried her away from Twilight to where she first met Lichen when his parents had died from the illness that swept through Earth Pack.

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