02: Before

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A few hours later..
It was night, and Midnight hadn't even tried to sleep yet.
Raven awoke, she looked around to see if anyone was watching. She didn't see Midnight, he blended in perfectly with the black night sky. She slipped off into the woods, to meet Lichen.

Midnight was silent for a moment, then he let out a sorrowful howl. The moonlight gleamed in his gray eyes. The howl woke up Melody.
His gaze dropped to the water. Melody watched from her spot in the cave. He looked up again, watching the moon slowly inch across the night sky dotted with stars. Melody didn't want to disturb him.
Maybe he has strange abilities like me..
Melody thought, Or maybe he has lost someone very dear to him.. like I have..
The old memories of when she was little spilled into her mind.

The dragon, with it's huge hideous scales, and beaming eyes glared at her and her siblings.
Mother was taking a nap besides Father. They didn't hear their pitiful squeals.
The dragon scooped up her siblings, leaving only her.
Why me? Why didn't she take all of us? I would rather be taken then let them all go away without doing a thing..

Suddenly Mother and Father awoke, raining SunShards onto the beast, lighting her scales on fire. The dragon dashed to a cave.

That was the last time she ever saw them- or her father..
Melody remembered her mother mourning for months. She was too little to understand, but she joined in, feeling every pain of the loss of her siblings.
Father came home less and less.. Every time he did, they always fought, cursing at each other. Melody had tried to stop them, but nothing worked. Those were the last memories she remembered of him.
As she grew older, she would spend hours in her sun-lit hollow, singing. It helped her cope with all that was happening. Eventually, she got so good at it that her mother took notice.
She took classes, and everyone was impressed with how perfect she sang to her audiences.
The past of her father, and her siblings had faded. She had become a confident, bubbly she-wolf now. Then she saw Midnight like this, and everything dropped back onto her like bricks.

Midnight buried his head in his paws. He didn't weep, he just laid there, still.
He pictured his mother, a midnight black
she-wolf with a white underbelly and sky-blue eyes. He remembered how his mother's paws were a dark shade of gray, and how she had a star-shaped scar on her front leg.
He then remembered his father, the one who killed his mother. The scene started to replay in his head.
Flint, his father, had green eyes and a gray coat. He had many many scars, from all the battles. He remembered hiding in a bush and watching his parents argue, and Father lost it.
Father pinned Mother, anger blazing through his eyes. Midnight could hear QuickSilver's voice, trying to confront the large he-wolf.
Instead, Flint bared his teeth. His claws sank into QuickSilver's shoulders and his jaw got closer.
Midnight turned away, he heard a cry of pain from Mother, then everything became silent. When Midnight turned back, he saw Mother's body laying there, limp. Father walked off the body, his white claws were now stained with blood and so was his teeth.
Angered at Father, Midnight attacked him. Flint was shocked by his pup's sudden movement. He found himself pinning Flint to the ground, digging his claws into Flint's shoulders. He held Flint's body down, making it impossible for him to escape. Flint thrashed under Midnight's strong grip. Midnight lashed his tail angrily, then he sliced Flint's neck.
Blood poured everywhere as Midnight walked off, horrified.
"Well done, Midnight," his father wheezed, "You will grow up like me. Exiled from your pack and served as an outcast. Everyone will fear you. You will be stronger than others. You will bring death to the pack."
Midnight just stared at his father. Flint looked up at the sky before his eyes closed and his body went limp.
Midnight stood there, shaking. Flint's words taunted his mind. He looked up at the sky, thinking he saw Mother wave her farewell. Midnight howled, then walked back to the pack, Flint's words still haunting him..

Then his next memory played, Moon Pack's territory was on fire. Midnight watched the leader order the wolves to gather up the others.
Midnight was in the back, taking as little breaths as he can. His black friend, Charcoal, had light brown eyes and white paws. Charcoal's ear was torn and he was the only wolf Midnight could ever trust.
A log fell in front of Midnight, on fire. Midnight let out cries for help. Charcoal ran over to his friend, "Midnight!" He called. Midnight's gaze dropped to Charcoal. "I'm here." Midnight called.
Charcoal leaped over the fire, and he urged Midnight to leap over it. Midnight, who was now afraid of fire, took a deep breath and leaped. He felt someone push him from behind, and he landed on his paws on the other side.
He watched in horror as the flames engulfed his friend. "Charcoal! No! Don't leave me!" Midnight yelled over the blazing fire. Charcoal didn't respond, Midnight was sure he was gone, because of him.
He promised to himself that next time, he'll die to protect someone else. He muttered a "Goodbye, Charcoal.." then ran off after his pack.

After these memories played, Midnight's head rose again to the sky, and he muttered something under his breath. He saw his Mother, Father, and Charcoal. He didn't smile though.
Melody was tempted to walk over to him, but she stopped herself. She understood his grief. Eventually, her heart won her over, and she slowly walked over to him to comfort him. She couldn't just leave him there to grieve alone.
"Oh uhm.. Hello?... Uh.. I'm.." He stumbled through random words. Easily, you could tell he was startled by Melody's appearance.
"Midnight.." Melody started, her golden fur glistened in the moonlight, as if it was enchanting her, "I understand what you must feel.."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I-I think you lost someone that was very close to you.." She mumbled, "I remember what it was like.."
He looked into her eyes, sadness clouded them, "Three, I've lost three."
Melody's deep blue-purple eyes sparkled with sadness and grief, but also filled with how she understood what he felt.
He tore his gaze away from hers.
"I lost my siblings to the wrath, and cruelty of dragons.." She tried to sympathize with him, "I am so sorry you had to endure that.."
"I lost my mother.. my father.. and Charcoal, my only friend.." He choked out.
Melody felt horrible for him, she wished she could hug him, but that would just embarrass both of them. She wouldn't mention her father, it was for the better.
"Oh, maybe I shouldn't of brought this up.. I think I have only made this worse for you already.."
"No, it's fine." He said.
Melody always tried to act so happy, and chipper, but it got difficult at times. She looked down at her paws, unable to meet his beautiful gray eyes.
Midnight also looked at his paws, but briefly.
"You just looked so sad. I wanted to comfort you in whatever way I could." She admitted.
"Thanks.." He mumbled.
"I just remember the way I was after they died.. Then Father started coming less, and less, until he came no more.." Melody stammered.
Midnight slowly nodded.
"I hope that no one should ever have to go through the pains of losing someone ever again!" She announced, lifting her head up. She gained back the confidence that always motivated her. She looked at the sky as if her siblings were watching them from the sky, waving to them. A slow smile ran through her snout.
The sounds of two wolves laughing filled the air. One of them sounded like Raven. It sounded so strange to hear the shy wolf laugh, especially with another wolf.
Midnight casted a worried look.
"I won't tell a soul." Melody promises.
The male wolf closed his eyes, then opened them, nodding.
"Say," Melody changed the subject, "Do you want to be friends?" She blurts, "I mean- it's fine if you don't.. I was just wondering.." The golden-brown she-wolf stuttered.
"Alright." He said. Some of the sadness faded away from her eyes. He smiled.
"Really?" She asks, like she never expected him to say "yes".
"Yes." He repeats, nodding.
The words started to make Melody's tail wag. Then she dashed off, and took two vines that hung from the cave's entrance. Melody began to braid them into bracelets. Then she gave one to him. A part of her knew that this little friendship was going to grow into something bigger..
Suddenly, the sound of Raven's paw steps coming back echoed to them. Melody quickly glanced at him before the two darted back to the cave.
Raven suspected nothing, and she had a big smile on her face- perhaps a rare sight for her. Curiosity and exhaustion battled inside Melody, but eventually the exhaustion won, and it plunged her into the peacefulness of dreams.
Raven nods, "I'll see how long this takes .." She grumbled.

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