19: Shocked

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That morning..
Raven stretched, it felt as though she hadn't moved in years. She glanced around, everyone was still asleep. Maybe she could start to look for Blitzer before the others woke up. Not that she expected to see him, but who knew?
She trotted outside. The sunrise shone with hues of purple, orange, red, and pink. Raven paused for a moment to enjoy the warm, comforting sun on her back.
Then she shook her head, "I am not a Sun Pack wolf!" She scolded herself, "I got to find Blitzer for the others."
Raven sniffed the air before cantering into the woods. It was so peaceful.. The trees swayed in the wind, and her vines wrapped around her blossomed with pink buds.
She thought of Lichen. He would love this day too..
Almost as if her water-leaf had been trying to get her attention, it spattered on her head. It made Raven jump. Then it formed back into a leaf.
Suddenly Raven's ears pricked. She smelled someone- It was Blitzer! He was coming towards the cave.. Raven pushed away all of her negative thoughts and dropped her nose to the ground. She followed the sent trail, pausing once to catch a rabbit.
Blitzer watched Raven. He sat down and waited for her.
Raven pulled her nose out of the ground and look up. She jumped back in surprise when she saw Blitzer sitting nonchalantly as he waited for her.
"Blitzer- What!" Raven began, feeling mixed emotions. "Why did you leave! How do I know that I can trust you?" Her eyes narrowed to slits, and yet her tail slowly wagged. She couldn't hide the fact that she was happy that he came back.
Blizter glanced at the carcass then his gaze drifted back to Raven. "I didn't exactly leave," He sighed, "I had to recover."
"Recover? From what? Shame in what you did?" Raven pushed, sitting down next to her rabbit.
She moved her hind leg on top of her tail so it wouldn't start thumping against the ground.
"Recover from the attack." Blizter paused, "Fire Pack is building. We have a new leader." He seemed slightly worried.
"Oh.. Are they a good leader?" Raven asked, remembering on how Lichen had told her that Blazer had escaped.
She tried her best to hide that she knew something, but her eyes might of given it away.
"Yes, they are," He hesitated, "Our new leader is my mother, Wildfire."
Raven sighed in relief. He hadn't noticed her slip, and Wildfire definitely was a better leader.
"Wait, so this makes you a royal?" She said.
"I guess," He shrugged.
"Uhm.. so about that.." Raven mumbled. Keeping secrets was a lot harder than it seemed! "Blazer has escaped. So far, I'm the only one that knows this."
"Wait, Blazer escaped!" Blizter was obviously shocked, "Did someone help him?"
"The dragons." She replied, "That is why I came out here to look for you.
"Even if I hadn't expected to find you.." She thought.
"We have to go back and plan. We'll be killing two birds with one stone; Taking out the Dragon King, and stopping Fire- Blazer from ruining Fantasy."
Blazer nodded slowly. "Flame left us when Wildfire became leader," He told her, "I don't know where he went, or what he's up to."
"Maybe he left to help Blazer.." She thought worriedly, but didn't have the courage to voice it. After all, she probably was wrong.
"Well, we better head back," Raven suggested, turning back towards the woods.
"Wait! Who told you Blazer escaped?" He asked.
Raven turned back, "A wolf from Heaven Pack. I.. I knew him while he was alive back when I lived in Earth Pack. He came with me when I was banished. We were like siblings.." She said, staring off into space.
Raven hadn't realized how much she had said about her secret.
As she spoke, the stars under her eyes seemed to glow, reminding anyone who looked at her that the Ones Above had chosen her.
Blitzer nodded. He didn't comment anything.
"Come on then," He flicked his tail and got up, "Let's go back."
Raven was snapped back into reality, she nodded before following him. "I can't believe I said that- Or that we didn't fight.."

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