12: Lichen's Order

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A few seconds later..
Raven looked around, whipping her tears. She was on the border of Earth Pack.
A light shone from above, as Lichen trotted down from the skies.
"I will make sure Fire Pack won't hurt you, but I cannot protect an entire pack on my own- forget 5 packs!" Lichen said, brushing his fur against hers, "River Pack is visiting Earth Pack, you already know of their alliance, go and tell them of Fire Pack. Tell them to go to Sun Pack and help them. The three are already in an alliance so it'll be easier. I'll bring Melody here too."
"Thank you, Porcupine Snout." Raven replied, as Lichen was enveloped in a forest of ghosty leaves.

Raven walked up the familiar road, but this time she was going to talk to the Leaders of her former Pack. The whole place was wrapped in flowers, not a signal piece of treasure to be found. Vines wrapped around the palace, and on the hut-caves the wolves slept in. She had forgotten just how beautiful it was here.
She was starting to think that Melody wasn't going to come as she took the first step on the Earth Pack palace. Suddenly, Melody landed next to her, the leaves disappearing back into the sky, along with the sunlight she had most likely called to help catch her fall.
Melody was still shaking, her face was wet with tears. Raven buried her head in her fur, letting her know that they were here to get help. Melody nodded, and they walked up the steps.

The sounds of yapping filled the halls. Four wolves sat on a grassy couch, the two wolves couldn't hear what they were talking about.
Melody walked ahead of Raven, before bowing to the wolves.
"Well, this is unexpected.." Vine grumbled.
"Welcome! What brings you- you two here?" Moss asked.
"Fire Pack is going to attack
Sun Pack- and Storm Pack will most likely join them," Melody began. Raven left the talking to her, since the wolves probably wouldn't approve of a hybrid talking to them, "Fire Pack is planning to take over all of the Packs. Please help us, together we should be able to take down Fire Pack."
"The true prophecy is that we are supposed to take down Fire Pack, with help of other Packs." Raven added.
Current closed his eyes, processing the words. After what felt like a millennia, he nodded in agreement.
"It is good that you have come to us," Splash said, her headdress chiming with every few words, "You have River Pack's help."
"Thank you." They both said, bowing to the leaders.
"I always had a feeling that Fire Pack was up to something.. That stupid Blaze-whatever he wishes to call himself will get a taste of his own medicine!" Vine growled, turning to Moss, "What'd you say? I think that we should help them. By helping them, we will be protecting Earth Pack too."
"Yes, we will join in this fight. Consider this a new alliance between the three Packs." Moss announced.
"We will set out for Sun Pack tomorrow at sun high." Splash added, already planning ahead.
"Now you two should be getting back. Ready your wolves, and meet us in Sun Pack territory." Current said, his voice deep almost ancient like.
They nodded, and bowed before trotting back to the cave. Lichen came back to let the leaves drift them back to the cave.
Raven couldn't use the moonlight to teleport, and it was also nice to see Lichen again- Even if she did have to act like she didn't know him, he was still her best friend.

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