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After waking to find the other side of the bed empty, but the sheets still warm, Meredith stumbled across the hall for a quick shower. She then pulled on jeans and a long sleeved tee, and moved the new addition to her left hand from her finger to a chain, that she latched around her neck. It had still only been a few days. She hadn't worn the ring to the hospital, but found she liked having it with her.

She had been wearing the ring around her neck at work, which was...kind of nice. Almost like a secret. Her friends knew she and Derek were engaged. And Mark. And Burke. And she suspected Bailey knew. Other than that, there had been some rumours floating around the hospital, probably originating from those who had been at Joe's that night, but no one seemed to know for sure. And no one had asked, though Meredith had gotten some suspicious looks, as had her left hand.

It was nice to have a secret from the hospital, even though she was sure it wouldn't last long.

With a sigh, Meredith headed downstairs, in search of her fiancé. They didn't have to be at work until late morning, so she was pretty sure she knew where to find him.

The sight that greeted her in the kitchen was of no surprise anymore. Derek was sitting at the table, newspaper strewn in front of him while he nursed a cup of coffee. Susan sat across from him, with her own cup of coffee. The two of them were talking animatedly, and a number of partially full grocery bags lay across the counters.

"Morning," Meredith greeted, heading straight for the coffee maker.

"Morning, Meredith," Susan returned warmly.

"You know, you really don't have to keep bringing groceries," she said, taking in the many, many bags surrounding her as she poured herself a full cup of coffee.

"I know I don't have to; I like to."

"We are capable of getting our own food." She turned back towards the kitchen table, heading for the empty seat next to Derek.

"If you don't want me to come here-" Susan began, her voice faltering.

Meredith cut her off with a smile and shook her head as she sat. "I just meant, you don't need to use groceries as an excuse to come here. You're welcome here whenever you want."

Susan swallowed hard and nodded before she responded. "Thank you, Meredith."

For a long moment, Meredith met Susan's eyes, before the intensity became too much, and she turned towards Derek. "How come you didn't wake me up?"

Derek chuckled. "I tried. You hissed that you'd kill me if I didn't leave you alone."

She made a face as the barest hint of a memory came to her. "Yeah, sorry about that."

He shrugged and leaned close to press a kiss to her cheek. "I'm used to it."

She rolled her eyes as both her fiancé and her step mother laughed at her. "I'm an intern. I need my sleep when I can get it."

Susan offered her a smile. "We need to introduce you to Lexie soon. She's about to start her internship. The two of you could commiserate together."

The name of her unmet half-sister made her falter. She had never met Lexie, nor had she seen Molly or Laura since they had been released from the hospital. Susan, she was getting to know, and was enjoying the new relationship. Molly and Lexie, however, were reminders of what she hadn't had growing up. And she wasn't sure if she was ready for that kind of a relationship.

"I'm sorry," Susan said quickly. "It's too soon. I just...I forget sometimes. I've been getting to know you, and I...I feel like we're getting close. I'm just trying to... Lexie and Molly. This isn't their fault. None of this is their fault. And I really think...I really think you'd like them."

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