Dreamcatchers p1

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The next night I'm already in bed when Stiles comes barging into my room, telling me we have to go down to the station. I throw on some leggings and shove my feet into my Birkenstocks. I quickly brush my teeth before Stiles drags me out the front door, barely allowing me to lock the door behind us. We get in the jeep and he peels off speeding into town towards Scott's. We pull into the driveway and Scott comes running out. He hops in the back seat and we head to the station. Stiles jerks into a parking spot and we climb out of the car.

"So do you guys wanna tell me why we are here?" I ask, grumpy they dragged me here. They walk into the station without saying a word. "No? Just felt like it?" Silence. I groan following them into my dad's office where he is holding a mirror talking to himself about a hair cut.

"Someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut." Stiles retorts announcing our presence to our dad. I snort trying to cover my laughter with a cough as my dad scoffs. 

"I think you look great." Scott smiles cheekily.

"Well thank you, son I wish I had."  He looks around. He reaches up and begins to undo his tie. "What the hell am I doing here?"

"Dad!" Stiles grabs his shoulders, stopping him. "It's just one date-"

"A DATE?" I shove Stiles out of the way. "Dad the town of Beacon Hills will survive a couple hours. Go on your date, with whatever woman you scored." I demand.

"A beautiful woman" your dad grins.

"What beautiful woman?" Stiles groans obviously having already asked this.

"None of your damn business." My dad smirks.

"Wellll... I wanna know." Stiles deadpans. My dads mouth opens, most likely to say something sarcastic but is interrupted by a commotion out in the main room. I peak my head out of the doorway and see a curly haired kid being escorted by a female officer and Parrish. 

"Stilinski!" He yells, beginning to thrash against the cuffs. "Stilinski!" I follow my dad out into the room cutting off Stiles. My dad stares at this kid, waiting. "I'm gonna kill you." He threatens.

"Donovan" he greets. "You think that shocks me? Deputies please escort him out."

"I'm not angry like I'm going to throw a break through your window" the kid seethes. "I'm angry like I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna take a knife and stab your daughter there so she bleeds out in front of you." A low growl slips through my lips as the stranger threatens me. " Then I'm gonna stab you until you look at me. And then you'll ask me why and this is why." The kid fumes. Silence follows.

"Wow, that was great. One more time? Maybe more violence?" The kid, Donovan, stares at my brother. "No? That's okay you'll have lots of time to think about it when you're stuck in your tiny little cell forever." Donovan nods his head, I can smell the anger radiating off of him. He suddenly jerks forward and takes a step towards us. Parrish grabs his shoulder, yanking him back into his control.

"Get him out of here" my dad demands. They leave the room, a lawyer following after. 

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" I laugh. 

"Yeah, he's getting the full law experience now." My brother smirks. 

"Well I need to get going." My dad shuffles around grabbing his keys and heading out of the station. We head out to the car, I climb into the back seat and buckle up. Stiles turns the keys in the ignition and a weird sound comes out as the engine fails to start.

"It's anxiety." My brother speaks up.

"What is?" Scott asks, confused.

"The chemo signals. I'm well aware how you guys measure my emotional state." He glares at me through the rearview, I shrug my shoulders looking away. The engine fails again and he hits the steering wheel.

"You okay?" Stiles sinks down into his seat, pulling out his phone. 

He holds it out to Scott showing him something. "Braeden texted me this. This is the first thing we have heard about the Desert Wolf in months."

"The Desert Wolf did this?" I peer over the seat and my eyes widen at the gruesome sight on Stiles' screen

"Yeah and I'm the one pulling at her threads." Stiles sighs trying to start the engine again.

"Maybe you should stop." I warn, worried about this person coming after my brother. The engine flips on. We are almost to Scott's house when we get a text from Malia telling us to meet them it's an emergency. We park on the side of the road and I chase after my brother as we approach what appears to be a crime scene. 

"Hey. Guys." My dad stops us from getting closer. "You guys saw that kid earlier, Donovan. You smelled him? Was he like you guys? Was he one of you?" He asks. I shake my head, trying to put the pieces of the question and the location together. I close my eyes and inhale, taking in the scents around me. I can smell a lot of blood.

"No, he didn't smell of anything. Unless he knows how to mask his scent. Why?" 

"Guys, this kid might have just murdered his lawyer and fatally injured two officers. We've got an APB out on him, but do you guys think you can find him faster?"

"We can try." I shrug trying to sniff out the boy's scent.

"Here's a radio, keep it on channel two." My dad hands it to Scott. Scott shoves it in his pocket and looks at me. I roll my eyes, quickly jogging after him. We get out of sight of the officers on the scene and speed up. I follow Scott down a side street where we having to climb over a wall. Scott jumps down onto a trash can and I groan, annoyed that this is where I was at, at 10 on a school night. I jump down after him, following after Scott as he leads the way. We end up in an old warehouse. Scott enters an open room but is side tackled. I rush forward pulling the figure off of him and throwing the person to the floor. I hold him down, staring at Donovan who's got blood across his face. 

"You better radio my dad." The kid tries to thrash against my hold but I just hold him tighter. 

"Scott is that you?" Parrish responds.

"Yeah, it's me." The radio cuts out. "We found Donovan, he's really freaked out." I look down at the kid beneath me who's shaking, a name whispering from his lips. "He keeps whispering a name....Tracey."

"Tracey who?" my dad asks. I look at Scott and shake my head. "Scott, Alex bring him back to us let's figure this out." We get Donovan back to the crime scene and he's taking back into police custody. My dad tells us to get home and he will let us know when he has more information. When Stiles tries to argue he threatens to take the keys to the jeep and my brother shuts up and drives us home. 

"So are we actually going to go to bed now orrr?" I question following Stiles into the house.

"Yeah you can go to bed, Lex. I have some homework to do anyways, should probably make sure Scotty got home." I nod my head, climbing the stairs and crawling my tired body back into bed letting the darkness fade my consciousness.

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